Gargoyle-Demon Boyfriend x Healer Human Reader

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This has similar vibes to S1 of Netflix's Castlevania, so spoilers for that if you haven't watched, I take some inspiration.

Warning: attempted witchcraft, attempted burning at the stake, some gore.

Male monster x Female reader

Night Falls and So Do I

You wanted to admit that the beginning of your morning reaching to midday was still and peaceful, but even you could admit that there was no such thing. Your days were surrounded by muddled weather and noisy villagers, no matter how far out of the village you lived.

Your little quaint home was full of succulents and rosewater filling the sweet air whilst you worked at your bench, not fully concentrating on the outside world but aware of something coming closer down the path; staggering and raucous.

You wanted to say it was some annoying neighbour passing, but the faint desperate call for your name was getting louder and louder the more they walked down the path, frantic with soft weeping to follow.

You stepped out the front door to the end of your own front garden, the overwhelming concern yet relief in knowing who it had been.

The two figures were small and waifish in similar appearances: their tawny skin and onyx hair was streak with gold in the front, their wide aghast eyes fixated on you the closer they got.

"Theo, what happened?" You had asked the girl, holding up who everyone would've recognised as being her brother from just their looks alone. The Lionel twins were a familiar match to everyone in town; troublesome to the fault, they played rough. As brave as cubs but they still had a long wait before they could be so mighty.

You got a good look at what had been the injuries the youngest twin had present on his skin: his knees bruised and bloodied, his shorts had been ripped by the leg holes and seemed to dampen as if he fell into a puddle. "The swing over the river, we were playing there, he fell," Theo said, her bottom lip slightly trembling.

"She dared me to swing on it!" Butted in Emilio, his cheeks red and puffy from tears, snot wiped messily across his face. "She dared me to swing over to the other side and laughed when I didn't want to."

"Did not!" She defied, but there was still guilt present in her hazel eyes, they moved away quickly. "We were only playing, and he got too scared... so I called him a chicken. I pushed him when he got on it, and it snapped."

You sighed heavily, dusting your hands on your apron as you looked to the oldest. "Theo, you know that encouraging your brother can lead to serious trouble. He could've gotten more hurt than this."

"I know," she rued, her cheeks puffy as if she would begin crying herself, but she kept her tears better than Emilio, "I thought it would be fun."

You gave a firm frown in concentration, collecting the younger into your arms and beginning your trip back inside your house from the front.

"I fear that the next time could be worse, you must go easy on your brother or anyone else in this matter – I worry one day one of you come back in a state untreatable."

"I'm sorry—I didn't want it to go like this."

"Lessons like these are always good to learn and remember, it could save you from something far worse when you're older." You ushered the two inside, setting your things around you as you laid the boy on the table, his sister giving him aid with her small hand holding his.

Her eyes were trained on him as he stirred uncomfortably, sniffling loudly, "Will he get better?"

"I will try my best," you began, "though I can relieve the pain for now."

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