Magpie Fae Boyfriend

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Male monster x GN reader

One For Sorrow

Spring was avid and bright, but held the worst of memories: the times for what should've been for warmth and regrowth had left the soils always dry and lifeless, the foundations of what once was a home destroyed.

In the stages, you had seen your garden and life grow without you being a participant, rather so an observer – silently watching on pitifully in the seasons of forlorn and loneliness. 10 years, 10 years when you had been happy once, but the further the years continued, the more sorrowful you got.

Your garden was a sea of fern that surrounded you in a calm state of wistfulness, the sea-green trees swayed with you in your spot that you had taken underneath an apple tree, the seeds bitter but you always picked the sweetest ones in the summertime.

The grass was moved languidly as one and tickled the inside of your thighs teasingly, the book in your grip growing less of a diversion to you when your mind continued concentrating on with the wind dancing around you; unfocussed.

You listened and listened: listened to how the wind whispered your name like how your mother had done so many years ago when your relationship hadn't staled as you had grown, the bitterness had dissolved when you had moved out and your mother didn't want much with you after the tragedy that took place in your family, leaving you all in fragments.

The wind tickled at the back of your neck, and you were folding the corner of the page you were reading, looking onwards at the ocean of green, aware that you weren't alone no more.

There was a beat of wings above your head, the fluttering of those wings as they flapped once, then twice, before you looked up in time to see the little creature that had landed on a sturdy branch above your head, watching over you inquisitively with its little head tilting.

One for sorrow, two for joy. You reminisced to yourself over the poem of your childhood, placing your book down from your lap as you picked yourself up, looking to the magpie hanging quietly and calmly above you. Its large beady eyes blinked as they took you in, their black and white wings stretched momentarily before tucking away.

You smiled sourly to yourself, taking your eyes off of the bird for a moment to hear the chimes of your windchimes that fluttered sweetly in the air, the smile falling from your face when you knew of the presence not too far from you.

"Hello, angel."

You exhaled out on the breath, turning to face the male of heavily gladded feathers of blacks, greys and whites, the glistening blues that reflected off the black feathers and shone like blue diamonds on a heavy necklace, his attire long and flowy with the long sleeves billowing like the feathers of his other form, the elegance of his human form was enough to get any young woman to swoon, but you wouldn't be bested by his looks anymore. The features of his high cheekbones and pale skin, those enigmatic eyes that held the sun were always five steps ahead of others, even when you had known of him before.

You straightened your posture, keeping your composure to not scream at the man in front of you, his long ink-black hair with wildflowers and thorns twisted into a crown on his head didn't move an inch when the breeze twirled past him, your face lacking any expression when you spoke. "Ailmer."

Ailmer was the name he had given you the first time when you had been 14: back when you had been more naïve but still clever enough to know to not give your name to faes like himself - although you were certain his alias wasn't his true name.

The dark-haired fae gave the smile when you regarded him bitterly, his long fingers came to nonchalantly pick at an apple from the nearest branch, his discoloured flesh darkening to his nails and in a blink of an eye, he was holding it in his palm as he inspected the pale-red fruit.

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