Male!Werewolf (Rhys) x Human! Reader (Modern AU) 2

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Some swearing, just be warned, but mainly fluff.

Wolf In Sheep's Clothing Part 2

The light caught your eyes as you had finally come around to waking up: the sunlight streaming through the gap between your curtains so happened to land on your eyes as you had opened them, making you squint away with a soft groan.

Having rubbed them, you had taken in what had happened to have you ended up in your bed once more, rather than on the sofa from where you had left a wounded Rhys.

Guilt is what you would've felt: for ditching him, but you had remembered your conversation that he had said it was fine for you to go to sleep in your bed, leaving him to sleep on the couch:

'I don't think I could make it to the bed, sugar. As much as I want to come back with you to cuddle, I think the effort would be too much for both of us.'

You had immediately gotten out of bed, your bare feet padding softly in carefulness across the wooden floor as you come to your living room once more, your eyes landing on the lump underneath the blanket you had given out to use.

You reached behind him noiselessly, until you could see the wisps of dark hair sticking out from beneath the blanket, and you felt your heart soften at the scene.

And he looks like a completely different person when he sleeps. You studied, looking over his features: soft and untroubled, with his eyebrows relaxed and mouth partially open, the man resting there was a completely different person that day he had saved your dog.

Gingerly reaching to trace his locks with tenderness, you witnessed the sight in front of you with soften eyes and a small smile on your face. Rhys was beautiful, and he has a beautiful soul only a few are lucky in seeing.

You jolted when a sound resounded behind you, making all the hairs on your skin stick up in the abrupt startle.

You turned towards the entrance to your front door, your heart swiftly hammering: when did you ever get knocks on the door if it wasn't pizza deliveries or Max coming round?

Taking a glimpse back over at Rhys, you waited noiselessly before tiptoeing over to get to the front door, scolding yourself for the foremost, not getting a peephole installed for you to spy on whoever was at your front door.

Another jarring knock came from the outside once more, more immediate and forceful than the first: as if knowing for sure you were wasting their time in making them wait for this long.

Hastily and praying for your life, you quickly opened the door to have it reveal and tall towering man stand close to the door. He was wearing all leather and had a familiar build to Rhys, and... he looked very similar to him too actually, the more you looked at him.

You braced yourself against the door, looking up at the threateningly tall man standing there with a large scowl.

His arms looked like they could wrap you into a headlock, and keep you there. There were much more burly and muscly than you had ever seen on a man before; eyes a seething amber, hard with age and maturity.

He stared down at you with little hesitation to want to knock you down with a backhand. "Where the hell is he?"

His voice was quaveringly deep and low as if there was a growl that was resonating inside his throat and close to barking out shouts. Your knees quivered, handshaking on the doorknob as you tried to find your voice once more.

"Who?" hit the door with the side of your shoulder.

He pushed past you hard, his shoulder didn't even graze you, but you were sure you had been knocked back with his washboard abs, hidden underneath a black shirt, watching in terror and dread as he charged his way in like a whirlwind into your living room, moving until he got to Rhys, still sleeping on your sofa.

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