Demon 'Exorcism' [NSFW]

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Relationship: monster male x human f! reader

This fic is inspired by the art piece "The Sin" by Heinrich Lossow (1880).


"Saint Michael the Archangel, d-defend us in battle."

"Is this really necessary?" You tried to ignore him, the power drone of the being behind you, his thighs pressed close to your backside, thick and strong, squat as you moved along his cock. Up and down, you concentrated on your words, sweat beading down your forehead, pulling your habit higher in your grip. "Your words mean nothing to me."

"You are in the House of God, demon. Your power is weakened here." You spat, your thighs twitching and strained, legs weak as you continued taking his length inside you. You had bested this powerful demon to restraints, and you would weaken him for the rest of his long life. It amazed you how strong the power of the lord could be, that or the demon itself had lied in front of you, his full potential not unleashed.

"Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray," you continued, breathlessly, feeling the long ridge of his cock slide against your walls, your heat quivering as you whimpered. "And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."

"Such a pathetic act, isn't it?" The demon hummed in amusement, laughing at you with a rumble that shook the very walls below in the vault, working yourself up and down his thick cock. "Your prayers mean nothing against a demon like me. You will still cum from sin regardless."

"I am a religious sister of the Lord," you spluttered, nearly feeling yourself cumming just from riding him. "I am preventing you from corrupting others with your wicked ways."

He laughed once more at your so-called naivety, but the determination you felt to prevent him from making another sin was stronger, pulling you to squeeze his cock with all your might.

"My wicked ways of making you cum, hmm?" He purred, pressing himself further with a harsh thrust that met against you, nearly knocking you winded from the suddenness of it. "It was you who thought of the plan to lock me in holy restraint. To tie and bound me, use me to weaken my powers." His laugh ran through you, and despite the fear you felt, you tried to ignore it. Regardless of it all, holy sister, you are still, and always will be, a sinful slut, riding a demon's cock."

"Shut it, demon." You gasped, slick spilling down your thighs, eager to receive his cum to reduce his strength. "You have no power here." You could feel his hips spasm the harder you rocked against him, hearing how his breaths grew more ragged. "You are unloved compared to the love I have for the Lord."

With a roar from not even finishing your words, the demon came, stilling inside you as his cum gushed inside. You gasped, your walls squeezing him harshly and milking the remnants of his orgasm as your own was ripped from you.

Your breathing was irregular, and uneven as you slowly caught your breath once again. His cum gushed when he slipped his cock out from you, his silence deafening as a triumphant smile broke over your face.

"You know something about demons, holy sister?" The demon had his head keened back, catching his breath slowly, your juices stained on his cock, still hardened as you inspected him. "Despite it all, a demon will always keep coming back to a place they've been summoned from."

You watched in horror, dread and surprise, the glowing bounds you made sure were holding him, snapped like glowing glass, his thick arms free, clawed hands stretching and reaching towards you. The same came from his hooved legs, heavy thuds reaching your ears, down into your heart as you were gripped with fear.

"Foolish human," he mocked, his cock rock hard and pouring with a mixture of precum and semen, stepping closer to you. "You will always be a sinful slut in the end."

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