Infected/Undead Boyfriend (Ryan Chen) 2

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The ending is rather sad, so be prepared. I found some paragraphs were repeated, so endure this with me if you found any mistakes, as I've gone through this thoroughly.

When It Rains, It Pours Part 2

His touches had been tender yet warm, the constant stroking of your skin as a gentle reminder of how long you had gone without contact with another being, your bare existence nothing to the tenderness of another.

Ryan slept soundlessly curled into your back, his arm lazily yet protectively wrapped around your waist as the two of you laid flush on the couch; his head pressed into the crook of your shoulder with his breath tickling your skin. You could've rolled away but relished in being in his arms was higher on your agenda.

You pressed yourself closer into his chest, earning a churn from his chest as he hugged you closer to him; a sound you had both surprisingly learn he could do when he was especially affectionate:

You were staring out the window with his head in your lap, stroking occasionally at his dark locks in thought, his eyes dreamily closed shut as the two of you listened to the rain; how it lit up the darkness of your the room when a flash of lightning passed through the broken grey sky. Your fingers fell to trace through his locks, massaging as his scalp when you had heard it so clearly. That hadn't been lightning, nor the clap of thunder-

Ryan's eyes opened as he sat up from you, drawing himself away as he sat in silence, his wan skin noticeably getting pinker at his cheeks. 'Was- did you make that noise?' You asked before a broad smile broke across your face and before you knew it, you were laughing uncontrollably at it, the suddenness of it all had left him averting his dark eyes from you, a small pout forming on his face the more you giggled.

'Ryan, oh, I'm sorry,' you tried to keep your laughter at bay, snorting once more when he looked at you accusingly, 'that was a cute noise.'

He responded by inching over until he could reach your face, cradling with his darkened fingers before leaning over and kissing your lips as a counterattack, and when he had pulled away, a smug look was on his handsome face.

It had been you to redden furiously as he laughed silently at your blushing.

You pressed yourself closer into him before rolling carefully over to face him, silently watching as you relished in the silence. His breathing was shallow, and you watched how delicate his eyelashes looked when they were fluttered shut, his mouth slightly parted. Your hand daintily stroked his hollow cheek, before shutting your eyes to fall back to sleep once again.

Let there be a day when you don't have to wake up and just be allowed to be at peace with him.

You didn't know how much longer it had been when drifted off again before you had been rudely awoken suddenly. Jolting out of bed, scrambling for your knife beneath your pillow when you listened more carefully to the sound drumming just behind your head.

The HAM radio never went off, unless...

Ryan had awoken to the sound too, clutching to head as if he had received the most painful of headaches, the strained growling and whining came from him were similar to your first encounter, where you hadn't used it as often.

The static paused as it squeaked quietly before the quietest of voices called out through the air.

"Hello? This is the Jackson base. Is anyone out there? Are there any survivors?"

The Jackson base? Had my prayers been answered? You recognised it, the name, the voice; it had been all this time who you had been trying to get in contact with for months. You scrambled to collect the walkie-talkie, all dread swimming up to the top in your mind, your words jumbled as you started speaking. "Hello, yes, I'm here, can you hear me?"

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