Imagine Summoning a Demon Prince 2

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Male monster x Female reader {MODERN AU}

Hell Hath No Fury Part 2 

Your feet had been aching by the end of the night, bound in glass slippers that felt like a thousand knives every time you walked; the tight corset had restricted your movements.

You couldn't wait to take it off, but you knew what it would entail.

The demon prince was as comely as the rest of the court he resided in, the ravishments of Hell was far from what you had expected, but it was a rather pleasing surprise. But the court of Hell and its over-the-top ceremony was somewhat too grand and pomp for you. The demonic aristocrats were overly full of superiority and bored you exceedingly. But... a deal was a deal?

No matter what you had wanted, you had to agree to the prince's offer, and as much as it pained you to be married so early, the prospect of being married into royalty seemed to be rather fitting.

The black and red emblem dress was shredded by the time you got into your shared apartment with the prince. He was late – not that you eagerly waited for him – you were in fact nervous for what the night would entail, and having to share his quarters were even more intimidating.

The door opened slowly and entered the prince and your husband, and you couldn't help but marvel at how wonderful he looked. His black wings were pinned straight against his broad back, the muscles in his arms were taut and stiff even in the jacket he wore, black smoke billowing around him as he stormed into the room.

You straightened yourself on your side of the large bed, nervously knotting your hands together for the right words, "Is everything alright?"

He seemed startled by your appearance in his room: as if always not expecting someone there, but alas, the two of you were wedded for eternity, meaning that the thoughts and feelings would have to be shared not kept private.

"Everything is fine, my dear—well, it depends on that," he huffed. "My father's council badger me for alliances, the paperwork for controlling over the weak mortals above and their needs. More and more demons are being summoned."

You couldn't help but shudder, having felt some relief and pride that you picked the best of the best of demons. "If there is anything I can help with—I know my place in your council would be ill-advised—heck, I don't even know if I would understand anything-"

You gasped into the solid warm touch of another's hand cradling the side of your face in there much larger hand, and in that blink of a human second, your demon husband had managed to whip his way to kneel in front of you, his many eyes were soft when they stared into yours.

"You are doing already so much for me, and as my wife, you needn't be so worried about me."

You sighed, leaning into his touch, "Hence this is our honeymoon, you shouldn't be working yet."

"I'm a busy man," he chuckled, leaning closer to you. "My father will want my attendance in court." Great, a honeymoon without the husband. You chewed your bottom lip in heavy thought, but the prince had brought you back to reality quickly. "Though... our honeymoons can always resume when we're alone? Our evenings shall not be disturbed."

"Prince Vorrelith—"

"Vorrelith when we're alone, you remember that, dear." He whispered in his deep honey voice that made you feel all ways that you didn't know were possible. You wanted to remain innocent for as long as possible with him, but the thoughts of being claimed by such a towering man were overwhelming your mind.

The only problem was of it being the first time being together like that.

"Vorrelith, my love, I want to please you in every way, but... tonight, I—"

"We shan't consummate our marriage if that what qualms you, my little wife." He hummed, pulling you close to him until you had practically straddled his thick waist. "Just say the word, I'm patient, and even if it means waiting for a Millenia, I will never lay a hand on you where you don't wish to be touched."

Your cheeks warmed at his confession, smiling fondly to him. "You are too sweet, though, I do ask I may ask I can do one thing."

His forehead rested against your gently, avoiding his large horns as best as he could, "Anything for you, my dear."

You silently leant up to reach his lips, where they touched with such warmth it made your heart leap within your chest. Slowly, deeply, you drew the kiss from him as he held you close to his chest before you pulled away, inches from his face.

"I only ask for more of those 'til the end of time itself."

He chuckled at that, rolling over to lie on your bed with you curled into his arm, cuddling you lovingly. "I cannot say no to the notion."

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