Merman Boyfriend(MERMAY)

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Happy Mermay 2020! Just a short fic, enjoy!

You stared down from the pier, the long fingers outstretched and awaiting, a wiry smile on the male's face, his ink-black slender tail gliding through the water behind him, waiting.

"Come now, my stars, the water waits for you."

You nodded hastily, looking to the small pier, the dark water that waited for you. "I know, I just... are you sure it's safe?"

"What, you don't trust me yet?" His smile was broad and bemused, gunmetal eyes staring back up at you, his long hair blending in with the water around him; contrasting against his milky flesh.

He leant up against the pier, his skin gleaming with twilight droplets dripping down his bare torso. "I am here for you remember? I'll keep you safe."

You chortled. "Now, you were the one who wanted me to come down here at this time, Nereus. I think you're wanting to do something more than just swim."

Nereus grinned from ear to ear, pulling back a lock of his dark hair behind his ear, as he leant further up to you, craning his neck back. A gentle trace came to your ankle, beckoning.

"It does get rather lonely here without you." He whined, but you knew that that grin on his face meant otherwise. Still, he persisted. "I just want you all to myself."

"And here I am." You raised your arms slightly, "Just... a bit nervous to get in, what if it's cold?"

"Then there is only one way of finding out." He grinned, winking at you as he pushed himself off from the ledge, his body descending just enough for his head to still bob in the water surface.

You sighed reluctantly. "Okay, but it's your fault if I get hypothermia."

You stood by the edge, looking down briefly into the water as your eyes looked back over to Nereus, who now had risen fully, both arms stretched wide open.

"Jump into my arms, I'll catch you."

You knew you could trust him, and you did, shutting your eyes tightly, and stepping forward part the pier ledge, the ground passing and the air meet you as you quickly jumped in, the water and Nereus catching your body.

Strong arms caught your waist, and you were risen up before you were under for longer than a second, the water splashing up as you squealed loudly, holding onto Nereus tightly as he grinned with you in his arms.

You wiped the salt out from your eyes, grinning down to your merman boyfriend. You pouted sheepishly. "Happy now?"

"Oh yes, very much so. And now, I've got you in my arms."

You giggled, feeling him twirl and whirl you smoothly through the water, pressing butterfly kisses into your neck as you could feel him smile against your skin, his powerful tail guiding the two of you as you held onto one another in a soft silence; welcoming for the both of you.

Finally, Nereus was first to speak up, his voice low in pitch, knowing what he had to say. "They want me back soon. My family misses me."

"I'm sure they do, it's been a while since you saw them since I met you the first time." You recalled that day: seeing a merman on the shores for the first time, tangled in a fisherman's net, injured and left for dead, it took you a very long time to drag him somewhere safe and quiet, away from the public.

Nereus had repaid you with more than just his life but giving you his heart, and you had fallen for him back.

"I don't want to leave you," He spoke softly against your ear, pulling back to meet your eyes, his melancholy ones gazing into yours, silently urging you to ask him to not leave. But you knew what was needed to be done.

You smiled sadly to him. "When you think of me, think of the stars, the moon and the sky. Because I know that the one thing I would need just like them is someone to guide me and to think of me."

Nereus gave you a lopsided grin, "Like the sun?"

"Exactly." You said, leaning into to kiss his cold lips, feeling him kiss you fully back. When you pulled away just enough to have your lips skim against his, he looked back at you with half-lidded eyes. "Because like the sun, I fell for you, wishing I could be close to your warmth."

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