Male Drow (Dark Elf Vevmis) x Human! Female Reader Part 5 (FINALE)

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The final chapter to The Underestimated, so I hope you've enjoyed this five-part series. - Stay safe guys -

The Underestimated Part 5 (FINALE)

Of the high shadows and prowling outlines, you acknowledged them as your demons and mistakes; even when you were locked away in slumber.

The seclusion swarmed you, it was just as cold and sharp as you had remembered it being; more so bitter than a fever.

The people: the people you saw, of the distressed faces of your mother and father, opposing of your wants and desires for medicine and to become a doctor, the subtle words of those who said you could never do what you dreamt of craving; their words wanting you to give up.

You were belittled, laughed at, told to give in and try something different, all while telling yourself one day, you would prove them wrong.

Maybe even in the eternal slumber between the states of existing and drowning, you could not even prove yourself anything, nor them.

You couldn't remember much: the scuffle with the group of Drow, the pain you felt that had numbed in your flesh, Vevmis-- oh, Vevmis, was he okay? Alive even?

You didn't want to believe it, never in a thousand years, but you accepted that his kind hadn't been so merciful with sparing his life. The darkness, was this what all Drow saw in the Underdark?

When you had to open your eyes, the reality was dim and sullen, the sky was overcast and drab, with the sound of rain flooding through, dropping down in buckets around you.

You could hear it properly: the sound of the drops hitting the roof of something with such force, smashing down like a wave over cliffs below.

You keened softly, shifting, your bones creaked with the make-shift bed that you laid on, where you felt the dull ache reside in your ribs, your head tender from how you had fallen.

There was a sound that vibrated beside you when you registered it, not realising someone was there, talking you through something thoroughly.

Standing before you was a high elf that had been described many times before in the books you had read: of knights who were bold and brave - he looked to be one with his rich gold-green mail; a bleeding star sigil in the breastplate.

He was towering like all the other elves except he was pale in complexion compared to Vevmis: pale-silver hair that came past his waist, braided back, it fell beautifully past his shoulders with little movement when he moved. He radiated the pride his kind held grandly; with his appearance made him look like royalty.

With a hard disdainful look; his eyebrows raised to you when you saw his features, his eyes carefully: one eye was as fair as spring growth, whilst the other had a long fading scar that reached just above his eyebrow arch and down the middle of the lid - the pupil the hue of dull clouded moss.

You watched his mouth move open and close, his eyes scrutinising you when you didn't answer but rather gape. When you came around to it, you blinked owlishly. "What?-"

"Common? Do you speak Common?" He asked impatiently.

"I-Yes. I do." You found your voice again, the hoarseness resided in the back of your throat and when you moved your tongue, it ached with the pain of veiled swelling. Your fragile hand came to touch at your throat waveringly rubbing it.

The high elf sighed beside you, bringing forth a cup from his grip, holding the back of your neck so you had no other choice but to take down the liquid, the cup coming to your lips. "Drink, it'll help your head."

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