Vampire Girlfriend (Faline)

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The Lady of Gluttony

The night was dark yet lovely, and from the open curtains of the room you stood in, you questioned whether the moon had always been so crimson and bloody than any other night.

You sat with idle thought, the cup of red wasn't much to calm your nerves but it was still enough to get you through the evening with no worries or fears. The fears that usually build up inside you whilst you stayed; never knowing of the true intent what the manor's owner would lay on you.

The Foxhall Manor was just as extravagant and precocious as its owner: the luscious and voluptuous lady Faline D'Aramitz had a history who's family name brought and attracted them to the land and to build the manor they called their home for generations.

Lady Faline D'Aramitz - the Sanguine Fox - had brought herself a reputation through the years, and certainly, through acquaintances, you had been most curious of the woman who now owned the million-dollar property.

You huffed into your cup with a remorseful sigh, the sound coming through from the background as you tried listening in; incoherent music, preferably jazz was what she liked most, played softly in the solemn air.

You kept your eye towards the entrance of the large reception: continuing to watch on out the large stainless window, tempted for a second to drown your sorrows with a tune on the piano you could remember from playing in your youth. Yet, you stayed in your spot, listening.

Faint footsteps became loud ones, distinct and confident, even when you could hear another pair fumbling to stand as two people walked faster towards the entrance of the grand room.

High heels, the classic garbs for her lady to wear.

There, before you, she appeared, slunk and holding to her like a babe was a man you had wanted to forget their name that same evening; his suit askew, head sloshed and guarded against seeing his face, trying his best to keep the drink in his loose grip.

"Love, there you are. Hiding from me, you ran off from Nathanial and I." Faline was slim and tall, with a slender build that made her look like an ethereal goddess than mortal being.

She was eternal, just like her beauty, chestnut hair falling in loose curls down her back, skin a soft milky colour, those eyes were made up with eyeliner but she pulled it off so nicely to match her hazel eyes. Lips always coloured in a ruby red tint; her signature look.

She had dressed nicely for the evening, to impress as she called it, a party all the time that she liked to pull off for all her guests. She was lavish as much as she was, a beauty of a gem that was a rough as glass.

"I had to get some air." You drew back, nostrils flared from the amount of alcohol pouring into Nathanial's system, and you could clearly recall he hadn't drunk that much for the evening.

"Yes, yes, I know it can get rather stuffy in here. But now look– you've crumpled your dress. And it was such a nice one too." Faline's words and tone always pulled up with a certain allure, like a sweet major key never-ending, it was enticing to listen to. There was a pout to her red lips, eyes looking you down with grand wanton.

You disregarded her comment, never being one to dress for those that she called partners of her empire, the business she had run under her family's name.

"Come come, let me look at you, dear." She dropped the man in her grip with no struggle, the poor man crumpling like paper to the loveseat with little trouble, and staying there with no complaint or sound.

She swept over him, closing in on you like an awaiting hawk to dive through the air to latch onto a rabbit, and you didn't mind the thought of being her little prey.

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