Orc Husband Wedding Night [NSFW]

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Warning: mild language, NSFW throughout.

Male monster x female human reader

Now and Forever

Hazel eyes. The colour of a thousand coppers were staring back at you, heavily lidded and full of longing for your half-naked body laid out over the pelted bed.

"Little one," the orc's voice was a rumble like thunder across the twilight, a large hand came to rest upon the outside of your thigh, least expecting the shudder to run down the back of your neck along your spine, his touch was tender, "you're tense."

"I know, I'm sorry, it's just... I-" You whispered in the heated air, infused with sweet-smelling oils as your hand came to caress the side of your husband's face, his lips came to catch around your wrist, kissing along your knuckles gently.

The orc hushed you with such a tenderness you had expected from him, the hand along your leg stroking your flesh delicately, "You don't need to apologise. I am grateful to have you as my little wife."

"Alexios, my bear." his name came over your lips as he knelt between your legs like a gift from a God. His skin a rich moss tone, his long thick ebony mane tumbled over his shoulder in its braid, your burly husband was everything you had dreamt of and you had been more than thankful for him to have your hand in matrimony.

You didn't think you would've been married so soon, having been on the cusp of your youth age, you witnessed so many other girls your age or younger being married off to large herculean men, bearing their children and being their little wife.

You, however, had always been good with your hands, tending to help your father in tanning animal pelts to produce leather rather than fawn for boys your age. It helped in the end, as your fine little craftsmen shop brought in every warrior to buy your stocks. Including Orcs.

You had been introduced to Alexios one cold winter's morning when he had entered the shop just at the breaking of day and when your doors had opened for customers, and from that first meeting, you could never forget about him.

He was large, larger than the walls around your shop, his head grazing the ceiling as if he had entered a dollhouse; his shape bigger than any Orc you had seen before.

But he had been gentle for a barbarian as if a bull in a china shop, careful of how he walked and spoke, his beautiful eyes were the ones you couldn't stop staring at. It didn't help the stir of feelings and emotions to well up in your chest.

He kept coming by for more leather and weapons, the more he looked cleaner in appearance, where he had told you his name and your conversations had bloomed, the manly barbarian was so big compared to you, but he treated you like a dandelion; even when you didn't need the treatment for the tough labour.

In the end, by the time spring had arrived with its growth, Alexios had come back to you, a sheepish look in his eyes as he presented to you his favourite weapon, the axe he carried with ease that he had laid out to you like a trophy.

"My axe is yours," his words startled you, your heart swelling, "if you will have me as your husband."

Of course, he got his blessings from your father and you had been married to him in a traditional orc wedding: your dress was simple but you didn't mind, not when your eyes were on your handsome orc, where you bestowed a weapon of your choices to give to the other and swapping bronze rings that had been twisted into a design of entwined branches, the ceremony was ended with binding your hands together in cloth in marriage, sealing it all with a kiss to your and his family.

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