Wolfman Boyfriend [NSFW]

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I was inspired by a piece by Spanky Franky, so go check it out on their page. I don't own their OC, their character has a different name.


The dirt was soft and cushioned by my upper body with ease, great comfort for the prowling figure hunched above me, rutting into the back of me that it careened my body further and further into the ground.

This has been going on for what felt like many minutes, hours even, fucked from behind as the creature as it pivoted my lower body into his, moving his inflated cock out of me and reaching the deepest part of my cunt.

The wolfman may have found his fucking gentle, had he been kind enough to not rip at my clothes, sparing me from the chill of the cold night, protected by the thick black fur on him. He was relentless: pummelling me onto his thick cock with no end.

His actions were similar to a starved man: desperately trying to satiate his needs. Grunting and howling, his clawed nails dug into the fleshy part of my hips, pulling and tugging, easily lifting me to make me fit him more.

An occasional cry or whimper would leave my chapped lips, biting them from the raw pleasure that was soaring in my core. His knot was swelling up the more and more he thrust, a swelling in my lower stomach from just seeing how big he felt.

There was something about the way he was fucking me that I knew he was getting closer: the way his thrusts grew sloppier, desperately grabbing me and fucking me deeper and deeper, until-

With two more powerful thrusts, he stilled, feeling how his giant cock swelled as he pushed his knot inside, his cock pulsed as he came, twitching and pulsing as he hummed in delight.

My legs quivered around him, feeling the dampness leak between my thighs, his cum was quickly pouring out before I knew what was happening, even when his swelled knot was still inside me, pushed right into my cunt and not allowing myself of him to pull away.

A warm sensation startled me from my thoughts, my head hazy and vision blurred, a warm tongue bringing my attention back as the wolfman lapped at my cheek. It wasn't hard for him to pull me up to make me sit in his lap, his knot not deflating as he affectionately gave me licks whilst we waited for his knot to go down, beneath the glowing moon. 

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