Yandere Vampire Girlfriend: Cressida Beauregard

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Relationship: yandere fem monster x fem reader

As The World Caves In

You might've mistaken her for a haunting apparition had she not spoken your name with foulness embedded on her tongue.

Saying her name brought fear to your mind: fearful that she was indeed just a ghost, her ghastly appearance one you had not seen before from her. The shroud of nightfall gave her and the thin layer of her nightgown the appearance of mourning, mourning for you as if you were already gone from the world. Her usual long salt and pepper locks were always pinned up, now cascading like an angry veil of misery behind her, unbrushed and moving with a mind of its own. Her skin looked flushed, cheeks rouged as if life had been drawn back into her once again, except her eyes were the deceitful ones.

They were darkened and bloodshot, angry and glowing.

"You now plan to leave me, dearest?" She tried to remain level-headed, her usual calm demeanour a crashing reality. She was almost aloof, calm, now, a madwoman who didn't seem to even recognise you.

You stepped away from the landing at the top of the stairs, taking in her slowly. She could pounce- even as far away as she was from you, and you didn't wish to blink and miss it.

"You know I must go."


"I don't belong here!" Your voice faltered in a louder crescendo, vibrating through the rotting walls. "You have been a welcoming host to me, but I have overstayed my visit. I must return to where I was, back to where I belong."

Cressida took your words quickly to heart, and her incessant ramblings proceeded: a droning cry of 'no' that ruptured straight through to your ribcage, growing madder and madder as if the word was cursed and she wished to break it.

She seemed to be crying some more, stepping closer to you, bare feet creeping against the old floorboards. Before you, one hand was outstretched, the other curved behind her back.

"You know I cannot live without you." She half-wept, golden eyes seemingly unblinking as you gripped the handrail tighter. "What is existence without you by my side?"

"You lived a century and a half without me. You can continue with another more."

Cressida's eyes seemed half-dead by your statement; sunken and protruding through the hollow skin of her face, and again, she continued to step closer towards you, as enticing you to stay.

"I won't let you leave—you cannot leave me." Her voice was gravelly, a complete turn to the strain in her tearful pleas, pulling her other hand to reveal what was in her grip.

You could only laugh bitterly, "You wish to stab me now?"

The ruby dagger was shining in the dead of the night, as crimson as the blood she drank, flowing and rich, beckoning to be as close to your flesh as possible. Cressida only used that dagger when it was handy—to make herself look as powerful as possible when she was threatened.

"I only ask you again, dearest, stay with me. I could give you everything you ever wanted. Dresses, riches, the chance to live with me—to be like me. Forever."

Your eyes glinted down from the blade up to her face, and she stood as if waiting for you to come to her.

You bit down on your tongue, not wanting to say the wrong thing, to curse her out and the very place she kept you held in. You could still feel the numbed-out marks that maimed your skin, across your shoulders and around the collar of your neck, months of agony that she had called signs of her love.

"You know I can't accept this, all of the things you wish for me to have." you sighed, picturing if things could've been different. Her large hanging portrait sat at the top of the stairs, decked regally in delicate ornaments and silks, a half, cheeky smile adorning her face for the painter.

Cressida's face fell once more as if she was on the verge of either bursting into a fit of anger or a flurry of tears. There was something within her eyes that told you to run, hide from her and her hidden anguish and fury.

In a blur, she was in front of you, and you recoiled back in surprise, nearly tumbling back down the stairs you ascended. It had only been thanks to her for holding you back by the shoulders, shaking sense back into you.

Her eyes, her eyes were raging.

"I-I love you, I love you so much," her voice broke at the end of her warbling, and you wished to have the courage to kiss her face all over, to reassure her and apologise for upsetting her, but it pained you more to be having her to say those words back.

"I love you too."

It had come to you as a surprise when something knocked itself into you, almost winding you between your ribs. You recoiled back once more, words garbled in a silent gasp, but Cressida had cradled you when you crumpled, whispering those same words again, over and over again.

The sting was powerful and drew no words to you, black spots clouding your vision as you stared and stared up at the ceiling, blinking away the tears.

"I love you so much, dearest. Don't ever forget it."

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