Male Drider Boyfriend: Nyraen 3 [NSFW]

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Web to Your Heart Part 3

The darkness. There was the darkness that bordered every being. Yet, there was something so soothing and welcoming to it that Nyraen appreciated in his long life.

There was a time long ago when he could remember from his siblings that he had been born into darkness, to never be afraid of it. For things preyed in the dark like himself; and to revel in it.

His siblings... he hadn't remembered their faces for a very long time. He was a middle child of twenty-two; a child that was hatched into the welcoming world of the abyss. Their names, he remembered his favourites ones, the games they played when younglings.

To him, he seemed to be the only one left of his kind; something he had grown used to when once he utterly hated.

He would be born and live and die in it, surrounded by the familiarity of it, not knowing any different of what life beyond death would feel like.

He was a creature to be utterly despised, but he was so sure he could never hate humans, the same race who had wanted to drive his kind out. He was mildly curious in them; in the way, they behaved around others that were not like them.

Nyraen had never thought he could be familiar with anyone other than himself. He was meant to find a mate a very long time ago, a female larger than him to share an opportunity to continue their race, but he had kept to his own territory for so long that he had forgotten all about the courtship.

Nyraen was certain he could never love another, but he had been surprised by you, your resilience, your compassion to the humans who you didn't associate with.

To him, you and he were quite alike. And it made him like you more and more.

Since seeing you those many evenings, Nyraen came to you more and more, less scared of the threat of the rising sun and more wanting to spend time with you.

There was something so precious about your mind that he could not crack; and like him with many of his kind, he was merely curious in the thought of trying to get to know you more and more.

'Narisphrin, presage of destruction and the moon goddess were lovers once,' He had told you one night once, staring up from the window on your bed, 'but because of who he was, he was cursed, set into the body of a drider and never to be allowed to see the sunlight again. And all these generations later, it has not been changed.'

'Would you perhaps try to do that? Go out into the sunlight I mean?' You had pondered, stroking his pale lean chest in thought. For a brief second, the moonglow hit your skin, casting the shadows to disappear on your face.

Nyraen had never seen such beauty.

'Perhaps, I would have to have a reason as for why.' He teased, but his words may have upset you, he felt you visibly tense against his pale chest, you sit up to cradle yourself.

You smiled forlornly towards him, 'It's getting late, don't you think?'

Nyraen knew from your words that night that he may have disheartened you, and he didn't want his words to do that. He knew in a heartbeat, he would do anything for you, burn a thousand words just to be by your side, but due to what he was, he couldn't.

The more time Nyraen spent with you in the twilight, the more he fell more and more in love with you.

He had come to visit you all the same on every husky night, this time prepared to make amends with you and apologise. Spider lilies he had picked out were the only things he could find in his area and around his home that were also in season, and the red of the flower suited a hidden burn for passion for you.

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