Dragon Humanoid: Asahi [NSFW]

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is getting a part 2 shortly! I just thought I'd write a small thing to keep me going and not be driven into madness.

CW/Tags: breeding, praise kink, slight nipple play, slight clit play, dirty talk. Reader is a faun.


"Are you going to join me?"

You watched from the edge, aware of the golden, heated and intense eyes staring back up at you. At that very moment, the tiny towel wrapped around you didn't seem to be helping in keeping you exposed.

It reached your upper thighs, not keeping much from a sudden breeze lifting the towel and showing everything to the emperor awaiting your decision.

"Isn't it very inappropriate?" You inquired, eyes gazing from the bare chest of the humanoid dragon to the waters below. The winter chill was the only thing that stopped you from freezing over, thankful the thick wool around your legs was keeping you warm, your upper body not so much. "I shouldn't be sharing the waters with an emperor."

The dragon emperor, Asahi was every part beautiful to look at: the Golden – he was called – majestic and radiating raw power. Ram-like horns curved upwards like a crown on his head, glittering gold as coins when they caught the light, his skin a radiant glow of gold and bronze. His long dark hair was as curly as the ringlets of your wool.

He was a general and warrior, every ladies' dream in a husband. Thousands of lesser lords tried to set betrothals with their daughters to him, and for every single one, they were rejected. It was odd for an emperor to not want to be married off, but it had been rather confusing why he had seemed to of taken interest in someone like you. You were a minor lord's daughter, handmaiden to his mother, the former Empress, surrounded by the gold and jewels of the emerald Imperial Palace.

"Nonsense," he dismissed it languidly, his voice a soft and deep timbre. "Everyone is welcome to join. High or low. It is a chillier winter this year after all. I would rather you didn't catch a chill."

You stared back down to the waters, your hoof gingerly testing the waters. Warm, warm enough that it would keep you comforted. Staring back to meet Asahi's generous gaze, you could feel the warm build-up in your chest, nervousness brooding.

"Is it okay if you turn round?"

It didn't take a reason for Asahi to ask, nodding with a gentle smile on his face, turning through the waters, his muscular back facing you.

The waters enveloped you the further you waded through once you took the time to for bravery. A goat for the slaughter. The towel was discarded to the ground, and the wool of your legs grew heavy as the water soaked through, making you feel as if you were sinking the more you walked in.

Crouching your legs, you waded in, awaiting the emperor to turn back to face you. Your chest was covered by the opaque liquid, enveloping you with some protection against your virtue being ruined.

Asahi turned to face you, observing you. "You are most beautiful."

You blushed heavily. "Thank you, my emperor."

"Asahi," he corrected amicably. "Asahi when we're alone. Now," a clawed finger traced your jawline with a thoughtful stroke along your skin, uttering a shudder to spread down your spine. "don't be shy, I won't bite."

You treaded further to sit beside him, carefully soaking your body in the waters. Your body appreciated the warmth against the elements, the chill in the night was not helping in the slightest, but what was also helping was the pure heat rising off of the scaled body next to you.

"Hmm," he purred, earning his head back against the panels behind him, eyes peeled to stare back at you curiously. "This is nice."

You copied his movements, albeit not as graceful as him. For a dragon humanoid like himself, he was large, larger than most humans and those of his kind, carrying himself with both authority and nimbleness.

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