Drider Girlfriend: Sarris [NSFW]

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Relationship: female monster x female reader

Warnings: breeding, oviposition, degradation, female monster with a male appendage, bondage, anal sex

Dark of Night 

Darkness fell, haunting and silent, yet I thrived.

The silver moon lit the lonely path was my only guide: a guide to my knowledge of finding what I needed to find. An entire town engulfed in destruction, townspeople disappearing like wisps thanks to the silk webs of a drider.

People in nearby towns spoke in whispers of her domain: yet no man was heroic enough to brave her den, encased the town in her webbing.

I sighed as I collected my thoughts, calming my mind in a field of fogginess, debating my next moves. The blanket of night would shield me from laying a surprise attack, but how long she would suspect me would be dubious. Driders could sense anything better than a bloodhound, and far more dangerous than one who would smell out something for miles.

With the surrounding area of the nearby town growing closer, my guard grew higher until the hairs tensed on the back of my neck. It felt as if all my senses had heightened, and I knew something or someone was there. Watching.

"Are you going to come out?" My fingers braced the hilt of my dirk, keeping my back towards the darkness behind me. Every small noise of the forest grew in intensity, suddenly aware that I was not alone.

A twig snapped as I turned around in a stance, ready for what awaited.

The moon illuminated the broken path behind me, and from the shroud of darkness, came the silhouette of a tall female. The shade of her long braided hair was familiar to the guide in the sky, pale silver that spun like silk, smooth and straight. It was a beautiful stark contrast against her ash-grey skin, blending with the dark shadows, yet from what I could see, flashed most of her bare torso, almost unbothered by the chill of the night. The top part of her torso was lithe and athletic, with long, willowy arms that run with long, pointed talon-like nails, black as an obsidian blade. She was utterly beautiful, an ethereal yet haunting nightmare.

"A huntress," the woman spoke smoothly, her voice twisted with spice to give it a velvety accent, "it has been a while since I saw one of you."

"Stay where you are," I warned, pulling forth my dirk from its holster, holding my stance as I rooted myself in my spot. "What are you?"

"I have not come to hurt you, traveller," the woman laughed silvery, almost melodically, "I am like yourself, trying to make my way home."

My eyebrows twisted, the grip on my dagger tightening, "You didn't answer my question. What are you?"

"I am Sarris, if that concerns you," the beautiful woman responded, "I am no threat."

My eyes glinted up and down her heightened body, and only did I realise how her long torso was only on display, but the rest of her lower body was shrouded in the abyss, hidden thanks to the trees and undergrowth. "Come out into the light."

"Excuse you?"

"You heard me the first time." I kept my stance, steadily breathing. "You will be a threat to me soon if you do not do what I say."

The woman blinked with her beady black eyes, and from where I stood, I spotted for the first time the two fangs that protruded from her upturned mouth. "As you wish."

There was something unnatural about the way she stepped out from the darkness: the ground had shifted as if not stepped through by any human, something tapping and scrapping through the mud-field path.

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