Wendigo x Human Male (Amara)

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- Stay safe everyone -

Female monster x human male

WARNING: Mentions of blood and gore, death, swearing and injury.

The Cold Always Bites

The cold had bitten at your features throughout the journey you had taken outside, until you were certain the frostbite had taken over the control of your fingers and toes, leaving your skin blue and black.

It wouldn't take long before you would be taken by the cold, the wintery cold that was present in the northern air of the town you had settled in: your guide, a guy named Egil, was one of the many rough and rugged settlers who had lived there in a town with less than 400 people.

When he had shown you to your small cabin quarters, he was quick to tell you of the layout of the land, where to go, where not to go, and the best place to go to get a bite to eat. With that, he was out of existence as quickly as he had appeared.

You didn't think much of it, a town not remotely happy and welcoming to visitors and outsiders, you weren't sceptical to receive open arms and warm smiles.

The town and its people matched the outside; cold and brittle.

You had ventured out day and all to through to the night, blanketed by the fog of misty twilight, the frozen winds bit at your skin, making it feel on fire. The days grew thinner whilst the nights grew long, and with what you were looking for from years of studying, you knew your hopes were dwindling.

Your chances of discovering the secret population of wolves and other animals that hid within the woods were dwindling thanks to the rural hosing of the settler's homes; the chance of finding something before its existence vanished.

There was the talk of their whereabouts festering in the woods, and that was where you ventured out each day, and when you returned, you were closer to giving up.

The fifth day into your travels, you were further out than you had wanted to go out, the light from the grey sun was retreating, and you were facing the growing darkness mixed with the winds of snow and ice break your guidance to get back before you got lost.

You could say you got lost very quickly, with not knowing how you would get back. Shelter, you needed shelter, no matter if it was a 5s-star hotel that had miraculously appeared in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere or some sticks for a roof, you needed somewhere to hide from the winds.

Years of hunting with your father and brothers had been most useful for a situation like this: sheltering from the icy cold, not as much. But to build a shelter from scratch was an easier task than to be left out in nature's habitat without one.

You looked around your area as best as you could, looking as far as your eyes could over the odd trees that looked like haunting gaunt silhouettes, over the blizzard as it hardened with rage.

Your only hope was to go into what looked like an opening to a cave: its hollow exterior made you think its protection wasn't safe inside, possibly it could collapse, but your hopes were dwindling faster the more you were out there in the open.

You trudged through the snow to your knees, your bones were completely numb and so were your fingers and joints, and soon you knew the frost would come in quick to freeze them over if you didn't warm up quickly.

Your clothes were thinner than usual - soaked through with mud caked to you like a new layer of skin.

You got into the opening, just shy away from being blinded by the storm to blink back to see your surroundings. There were a larger gap and space that dropped down not too far from where you were, and where you were and leant over, you couldn't see how far the drop was or what was at the bottom.

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