Vampire x Reader Modern AU

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GN reader x male monster short fic (Modern au)

Keeps the Doctor Away

You recognised your family's history with genetic conditions, especially with heart disease. The fear of it carrying down the line to you had always been a problem, and you knew getting it checked out at an early age would help your future self be aware of whether you would get it yourself.

Fresh out of college and in hopes of fulfilling a job for a graduate in publishing and marketing, you had dreams of getting a job that revolved around you.

The last thing you wanted was to get bad news so soon.

You knew you had a nervous wait whilst you were in the waiting room of your local GP, the contrast tapping of your knee was not helping in any way from keeping you distracted, and no good magazine of good looking celebrities or health and fitness advice could suffice.

Finally, with some waiting, you were seen to.

You despised needles. Every since you had been young. The thought of having something stuck in your arm giving you more to worry about than waiting for your turn to be seen. Nothing in the world gave you more of a panic than to deal with a needle stuck into your flesh whilst you sat praying it would take longer.

But fortunately, you had been given a greater decision.

You had been greeted by the nurse, and although it wasn't surprising to find a male nurse taking your blood to a female nurse, it was pleasant yet overwhelming to look upon how handsome the guy was.

He looked to be in his mid-20s: his defining features were his honey-blond hair that was long enough to be pulled back into a low bun and his eyes - a warm tawny-brown. His skin was fair and clear away from any scars or moles, blemished free to make it look like a porcelain doll.

With a straight nose and a timid smile, he was polite and good-looking. You noticed how sharp his canines were when he smiled at you in a greeting, sharper than any humans to tell you he wasn't something else.

You took a seat as he went to stand beside you, and from this close up you could see how his eyes dilated and the smell of his aftershave wafted over him to your nostrils, and it was enough to not make you feel sick like other fragrances.

You read his name tag briefly, eyes flitting up as you looked over.

Leonardo Bennett, it read.

"Hello, I'm sure you're aware of the procedure that is going to take place?" His voice was fair yet warm, pleasant and welcoming. It made you wonder if the possible reason why he could've been a nurse was for his kind-hearted tone in his voice and his soft appearance.

You listened to him speak just because you were really infatuated by how softly he spoke to you, and how kind and warm he regarded everything. He went over everything to you and through what would happen after the tests, and what would take place in the few weeks in waiting for the results.

The wait was always the most dreadful part, and he must've sensed this, from the way you rubbed your fingers and hands together as if trying to warm them up, how you bit your bottom lip in dread as you listened.

"Have you been aware of the other ways of taking your blood?"

You wanted to be knowledgeable, but you were unsure exactly as to what other ways there were. There was taking it in the vein of your arm or from your finger, but could there be another way?

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