Male Pixie x Female! Human Reader 2

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Warning: mention of fluff and minor injury.

Lilac eyes gawked back at you with a large pout on his small face, his soft eyelashes squinting over at you from where you sat in your kitchen, awkwardly, the two of you sat after the escalation you had been awoken to.

The tea you had had not been sipped, your spoon continually stirring to ease the tension, the pixie in front of you glared further, crossing his arms over his pale lithe chest.

"Sorry." You stopped, momentarily moving your hands to your lap, finally deciding to break the silence. "So-"

"You don't need to tell me anything," he began, continuing to scowl. "You brought me here, captured me."

"Woah, Woah, hang on-- what? How could I kidnap you if you're here and I mended you back to health?" You eyebrows scrunched, not expecting the words to come from him and to be accusing you of such accusations. But, would you feel the same? You would maybe feel terrified if you woke up in a stranger's home with your injuries mended. You couldn't deny that you may have lashed out too much, but he needed to know that it wasn't the case.

The pixie began grumbling unintelligibly to himself, his dragonfly wings gleaming when they caught in the sunlight; like starlight in the twilight. The sight was simply beautiful.

You hummed glumly, feeling guilty to your words. "Look, I didn't mean to say that-- I just, you were wounded." You sighed wearily. "How did you end up in my garden hedge?"

The pixie looked up at you as if you had accused him of murder, his large doe-eyes widening. "It's not like I was there for a reason! I was ambushed by a flock of crows," he huffed, crossing my arms. "The stupid things thought I was some large fly."

You felt sympathetic to the poor thing likely being seen as a large insect to be picked at, ending up in your shrub trying to conceal himself from them. It was rather unfortunate.

"And then you put this contraction on me." The Pixie fumed, emphasising the make-shift splint you had made for him that he was tampering with. Your nurturing side came out, hoping that this wasn't you scolding him next.

"That was for your broken wing, and if you keep touching it, it will take the wing longer to heal, meaning you will be here with me longer until you're better." Your words had quietened his ramblings, and a big pout once again came onto his face, making him resemble a pouty child who hadn't gotten what they wanted. The pixie was still cute enough, even for what you could describe as him being reluctant.

"Do we have a deal? I heal your wing and you can help me-- um, you can help me with my gardening!" You beamed, smiling broadly at the image; a small pixie trying to pick up a strawberry was a sight to be seen.

He sighed heavily in defeat, "Fine, human, you have a deal. But once my wing is healed, you will let me go."

You nodded to the negotiation, pleased to agree. "What's your name anyway? If you have one."

He snorted, his short silver-white hair shook when he did that. "I do have a name, thank you! It's Cirrus." He uncrossed his arms, his lilac eyes shining as he gave you a smirk. "Do you have a name aside from human?"

You told him his name, and he slowly repeated it to himself, telling you how absurd of a human name it was, making you giggle at what kind of name 'Cirrus' was. Your new housemate showed to be quite the character, but you were always ready for a challenge.

It was a couple of weeks that it took to see some progress in his injuries healing: but you don't think you had met anyone as headstrong as Cirrus; human or not. He was picky when he didn't want to wear his splint, complaining that it hurt more with it on and how much it hurt his shoulder and back, but you knew all too well that he could've been lying. His wing had to be perfect or else he may have never been able to fly again.

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