Shapeshifter: Rain

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Bare with me, I haven't written in forever. I'm writing this on an iPad so excuse the typos. This is only a short piece that I wrote only to get back into writing once again. It will not have a second part but I will continue with other stories.

Relationship: GN monster x reader

In your dreams, there was only water.

It surrounded you in a sense of peace: everlasting yet frighteningly silent. It was the same scenario, a quiet quarry, water unmoving, no ripples could best the surface - no matter what you did.

The woods were a swaying tranquil joy, swaying and thriving, they moved as one and as individuals; one then two then all.

You found yourself by the river, as usual, staring at the waters in every dream. How did it change or anything at all? The water remained still, no matter how many pebbles you threw, it remained motionless, drained of life.

In your first set of dreams, it had been just yourself, until small changes began to cloud your judgement, your perception beginning to warp.

You would hear the sounds of whispers: the trees whispering to one another in chorus, growing ever so louder the more you listened out for them. The quarry grew from a bright, vibrant hue to share shades so gloomy and clear of life. It was a gradual change, none that you didn't realise until the more times you visited.

Finally, when it seemed nothing else had changed, they appeared.

It was something so small, you had not noticed them at first, until you spotted them in between the trees, hiding between shrubbery and brambles.

In the following dreams did they draw in closer, appearance was hard to distinguish what they were, but from what you gathered, they seemed to of been taking a more humanoid form for you.

Only recently, did they seem a bit more approachable to you, appearing to be floating across the waters without moving the surface, bare feet barely touching their form.



"Rain," they repeated, their voice a strangled, garbled mess with words jumbled together. "It rarely rains here."

You stared at them, yet found no void of a humanoid face. Their face was guarded by their long, flown black tresses, blowing in the windless air on their own, never seeming to pass to present themselves. Their willowy figure remained floating just above the water's surface, long legs and arms dangling languidly.

"I see," You found yourself speaking, yet I was unsure what to say to them. "How long have you been here for? These are my dreams after all."

"Yes, you have been here quite some time." They said and it only grew confusion to flood your mind.

"But I wake every morning when this is over. Am I wrong?"

The creature did not answer, instead, they hovered away from you, ignoring your calls to come back, until no trace of them existed.

You decided to call them Rain from then on.

Rain came and went in a whisk of nothingness: appearing as they went with little regard for holding conversations. They seemed an enigma, holding more knowledge of the world than you could have predicted. In some instances, they drew you to people you knew in life, people you had long forgotten of.

When they appeared again, did you have the courage to ask.

"It feels as if I know you."

"You do, to some extent." They whispered. "I am your friend, your lover from the past, a lover from the future. I am those you could love and cherish and those you could despise. I can be anything you wish of me."

You watched as if his face had turned into a picture book, flickering through many faces, morphing in sizes and shapes, different eye colours and skin tones. It was as if they were holding your memories in front of you, using them to their advantage. "It is a lonely one, so many faces, yet I do not recognise my own."

"Would you show it to me?"

Rain paused, outweighing your words, as they drifted closer to you. To your surprise, they took a hold of your hand, gently running their lithe fingers over your knuckles. "I'm afraid the true face I show may is not one many mortals can stomach."


You gingerly took their face into yours, cradling their shadowed face. Even from up close, their face was guarded by their dark hair, and only up close did you see their watchful gaze, small yet curious eyes the colour of coppers.

Rain accepted your touches, cradling you with ease into their chest like a babe as you stared up at them from the comfort of their long arms. Through the embrace, Rain finally answered mournfully, "Very well."

The hair unravelled from their face, and through the embrace of their arms, you sighed in bliss and relief, recognising the face you had thought you had longed to forget.

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