Merman (Caspian) x Human Female Reader Part 2 [NSFW]

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Be warned, will be a bit NSFW at the end, you've been warned. ENJOY!

Warnings: Sexual moments.


The Girl Lost At Sea Part 2

Dreaming about the ocean was something you were used to since you were a little girl. Dreaming about the man of the sea was something new to you.

You had found that the few nights you actually did sleep, you dreamt of him; floating in the water like two lovers dancing. It was enthralling, to say the least, and the more time you spent away from Caspian, the lonelier you felt.

You couldn't exactly say to those in your town you had finally found someone, for the talk of merfolk, was seen as more deranged by those who spent their lives at sea. A madman sees what he sees, but it's whether the people believe him or not.

It had only been a couple of weeks, and you tried moving on or even catching up on things to stop thinking of the sea: meeting new friends, trying to find a job in a Bait Shop and even trying to find new hobbies, but still, your mind went to Caspian.

It wasn't as if you were trying to forget him: you knew for certain that you couldn't spend so much time at sea, for your life sadly was wasted on land, and you two couldn't really meet unless one had to sacrifice something for the other.

Mortals drowned quicker the more time they spent out at sea. Your grandfather had told you once, a warning to you from someone who had spent his entire life tending to a life dedicated to the waters. He was right in many ways: anyone who spends their time too often at sea could become obsessed, and it will always end the same.

But you were positive you wouldn't become insane from spending so much time there, in fact, you found yourself growing insane with the amount of isolation you were feeling from being away from it, from him too.

Days blended with themselves quickly, and you thought more and more of him. Was he safe? Was he missing you or had he moved on? And had this familiar feeling of loneliness grown on him?

Time could only tell when it came to going back down to the sea front. You went on a day that was much more quieter, in the early hours of the evening when not many other people were around as you believed that was where you thought he might've been most active either hunting for food or waiting for your possible return.

You walked in your sandals across pebbled stones, past those on evening jogs but knowing they wouldn't be found where you were planning on going. Walking over the rocky tide pools, you walked to get to the same area you two had sat by watching the sunset on your first meeting.

You sat bundled on the rocks, taking your shoes off, you stirred your toes gently in the water, cooling to your skin. You sighed, relieved in knowing you were feeling happy you were back, but only now, you had to wait.

You didn't know how long you waited for - a few minutes at best - before the same tune you had heard the first time, a long drawn hum of a sad tune being sung came from the distance, but this time, instead of it echoing along the beach and waves, it sounded as if it only echoed inside your head.

Careful and beautiful, you wanted to hum, but knew the tune was something you didn't really know off by heart. A flash of silver came from below in the dark depths just in front of you, and had it been a fish, you would've left it, but your ears pricked up when you heard something surface, the singing dying down.

"Hi." You shyly smiled at the merman, who had managed to surface just at your feet. Caspian run his fingers through his long silver-white hair to get it out of his eyes, a broad and obvious smile gracing his face as he greeted you.

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