Male College Lecture Teacher Minotaur X Reader [NSFW] 2

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Male College Lecture Teacher Minotaur X Reader [NSFW]

Tags/Warnings: degradation, using a sex toy, size kink, dacryphilia, praise, breeding, hand/finger kink, exhibitionism (mainly car sex) and swearing.

Words: 1700

Concentration Is Key Part 2


Hey, have you finished your essay?

Not yet. I think I'll be done by half 6. I've been stuck on one of the questions for a while.

You looked at the clock on your wall, situated and hovering above you. Not long until you were done, but it felt as if the hours were ticking by excruciatingly slowly. It was only 3:45, yet you could feel yourself lose your mind over finishing this tiresome essay Matthias had provided.

Your eyes drifted to your phone, waiting for him to reply, finally, he did:

What question you having trouble with, doll?

Your heart fluttered, and the term of endearment always never failed to make you feel flustered. Your fingers feel like butter, slipping messily over the keypad, trying to make sure you reread what you wrote being sending it off.

The question is regarding how to explain how Polycrates' foreign policy changed during his reign. The ten mark one.

His answer came quickly with a quick reaction: an emoji of a thumbs up. Oh, he seems angry that I didn't get this right the first time. If you had to be honest, being in Matthias' lectures had become a struggle for you, especially with the sexy minotaur sending side glances your way, knowing you were struggling to concentrate.

Your phone brought you to look back down at the message, heart plummeting.

That's a shame. I thought you had been listening during that lecture. My mistake in believing that.

Another message popped up the moment you started reading the next:

That being said, I was going to invite you for a nice meal, but I guess you need to relook at your notes.

Your eyes lit up at the mention of a meal out, typing out quickly to see if he was joking with you.

A meal you say? You were going to invite me out for dinner?

Only if you were busy, but it seems you are. It looks like you won't get this done until late tonight.

You rolled your eyes, staring over your laptop, eyeing the question carefully. You could get it done quickly if you asked him nicely, but it seemed he revelled in knowing you needed his help.

I can get it done before you go out. How about 7?


I'll come to pick you up. Wear that cute black dress too. Here are the notes.


You looked through the screenshots, and although it didn't give you the proper answer to the question, it helped you to write for the essay, continuing with the essay questions until the evening arrived.

No matter what you did, Matthias seemed to enjoy remaining playful with you.

You continued seeing him before and after lectures, in sessions for 'help' where your work was quickly discarded and you found yourself hoisted on his desk, legs spread and accepting his thick cock, pounding inside you, creaming you full of his cum.

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