Lamia Boyfriend: Xanthorus

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Anon Ask: Hi There! I have a small request too, if I may! Maybe a story about a jungle researcher and a Naga/Lamia. Maybe the researcher stumbled into the den.

Male monster x human reader [Gender Neutral] - Modern Au


"Are you sure?" Your closest worker and friend, Sebastian had placed his concern, "We don't even know where it will take us."

The caves acted like crypts within a cavernous descent, the rocks had been slicked in a substance that didn't even seem from a bacteria from this world, the descent meant to be hidden from all from the outside world.

"Which is why I think discovering for ourselves will be a revolutionary discovery." You had smiled, the hard helmet you were strapping over your short locks, the drops of water fell and trickled down like teardrops from your eyes.

Your decision to down was meant for research: as light decreases the further you go down, the size and complexity of plant life also reduces. The research into finding in three regions of the caves where plants have developed and adapted to allow them to live in low-light conditions were remarkable, and that was where you found yourself most often.

Your small team usually came down with you, but for the first time, you had decided that for the best, it would be easier to descent with rope and climbing equipment first.

You had given the man reassurance with a smile, "If I get scared, you know the drill."

"Pull you up before you chicken out? That isn't like you, chère." He had grinned, gathering the rope as you attached yourself to it, hauling yourself to hover just over the ledge.

When you looked down, the drop below seemed maybe 40ft, the walls had stretched and opened in the shape of a twisted mouth, filled with jagged teeth that littered around the bottom and around the edges.

You gave Sebastian the thumbs up as he and the others of your travels kept an eye on the rope in the pulley system as you slowly made your way over the ledge until your legs were below and couldn't reach for the end.

The rush of cold air hit you square in the face, your dangling body swayed as you recoiled to a harsh halt, a shuffle of feet above you raced closer to you when you looked up.

"You good?" Your voice bounced over the high mighty walls with its many teeth, your fear bubbling slowly like you were being hovered a boiling pot.

"The line got stuck, hang tight." Seb's head popped over the edge as he disappeared quickly over. "Cool, I'll just... you know, stay here." You joked sourly, your eyes roaming as your beacon gave little to no light in helping you see.

The cave to the bottom narrowed into a hole, but what that lied below was concealed with darkness. Another jolt came as the ring of the pulley lunged you to drop a few inches, your voice coming out in a yelp, your grip on the rope shaking. "Seb!"

"Merde—shit, are you okay? You're not hurt?" Sebastian rambled instantly in distress.

"No, apart from giving me a heart attack, I'm fine." You muttered, trying to calm your nerves as you calmed your breathing as best as you could. I'm not dying here today, no, I will not.

The cold rush of air that came out through the jagged opening brought you to swing over the opening, your nerves seeming to never simmer down. "Anything?"

"The line may get stuck again, but it's been free so you can go down further- just, be careful."

"Of course, thanks for letting me know." You replied, and bit by bit, you inched yourself further down, the bottom seemed to never want to reach you. The cold was harsh and your skin prickled up with your hairs, the realisation of knowing that if you were to get stuck again, you wouldn't be any closer to them but closer to the bottom, making it harder to get back up.

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