Drow Sorcerer Boyfriend (Ardul)

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Male Monster x Male reader


You never believed in bad luck or evil doings from curses, but you did believe that maybe your lack of belief would come back to bite you for carelessness. A simple blackwitch that plagued like fungus in the woods lurked, and it had been your job to be rid of her for all the town's sake. Trouble was that you didn't know what you were walking into.

You remember how it stung when the perpetrating attack was placed on your skin, a burning sensation that caught you just on your forearm, an emerging ring and symbol that looked embedded not too far into the skin appeared fully.

It started out how a rash would – nothing too noticeable – but by the time you were riding back, the pain had spread from through your arm and taken hold inside your chest, almost burning every time you breathed.

You had been turned away at every door, all for a flimsy thing that held such a powerful effect, inflicting your body quicker than you realised.

You had been situated in a hunched position by the time you reached the town you had been staying in for a few nights for coin and profit, covering the mark as best as you could, even though you knew how you looked was not convincing.

People of the town of Duskgarde grew weary as you wandered through, avoiding you like you bore the plague, averting their horror-struck eyes as you stumbled back to the front door of the inn, where the door was heavily smacked in your face.

"Sorry, lad, you can't come in looking like that. Best be off to find someone to fix ya." The poor owner of the inn was speaking through the door, where the music and talks were hushed as they heard the groan of frustration come out from your lips, the smell of muck was heavy on you and all you wanted was a bath.

"Where can I get help from then?"

"There's countless talisman who know of healing, they will be of help for ya. Come back when you're fixed." He shrugged, his voice growing weaker as he moved away from the door.

You grumbled to yourself as you slunk to put your horse in for rest at the stables, before slugging your way through to the several shops surrounding.

Your muddied and dishevelled hulking figure in the doorways of the few shops you visited came to many with a surprise, all who saw to you and knew of where you went unfortunately with how quick words spread through the small town. All and none who treated you, speaking of how the mark had already made its dent in you, with no luck of keeping you alive.

"There is one, who's treatments are for curses like these are... predictable. I don't believe he receives customers unless the need for service is needed immediately." One of them suggested through the gap of the door, her weary eyes darting back and forth to you and through the cobbled streets.

"See to him on the top of the hill there – blue door. He will of better use."

You grumbled all the way up the small tree that seemed isolated compared to the other shops, its blue-glazed windows were opaque so you couldn't see on the inside. Some chimes hung lowly above the door, clanging and harmonising endlessly in the wind as you passed beneath it. It seemed reasonably small on the outside, until, you knocked on the door and entered. You don't know whether the curse was coming to full effect already, but you thought your eyes were playing tricks on how much bigger the inside was; the size of a castle's library stored with thousands of books.

There was a loud outcry that came from above your head, a small black beast flapped its wings at your visit as it fiercely stared down at you with its golden eyes, floating to a lower spot on its branch as it hissed somewhat like a cat to you in boldness.

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