Male Drow (Dark Elf Vevmis) x Human! Female Reader Part 4 [Slight NSFW]

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The Underestimated Part 4

Vevmis had been the first to awaken after a long rest, found buddled up next to you in the coldness of the barn. Still, in contrast to how the temperature had dropped within the night, he had managed to sleep shirtless, the feel of hot against cold helped him get a decent sleep.

You were still sleeping, he noted, and he didn't mind one bit you were using him as a pillow, cradled like a babe as if trying to shield yourself away from the world. Yes, oddly, he would do so for you, the human who had snuck their way into his heart.

He kissed at your hairline carefully before standing to gather his clothes. It would be now to wake you up and get a move on, but seeing the sight of you sleeping wanted him to enjoy seeing this for a little bit longer whilst he prepared.

Swift and quick as a deer, he moved with the agility that was needed when he used to be part of a group, raiding through the twilight of the countryside, on the side of the Woods Where No Men Lurk. He had it engrained in his mind like farmers controlling cattle, something he would never truly forget.

He was nimble in buttoning up his clothes and tuck them into his pants, carefully and quietly watching you whilst you slept. It was peaceful, more so better compared to life in the Underdark; everything was chaos in the darkness.

He could actually for once appreciate the beauty of silence, the charm of being allowed peace, and thoughts to himself. He had wanted the freedom ever since he could pray to Lolth; the matron Mother of all. He had waited in the shadows, waiting for his turn to finally come to experience a thing called contentment.

You stirred in your sleep groggily, trying to grab at where he had been laying, your closed eyes scrunching as if having a bad dream. The very sight of you was forcing Vevmis not to go back to join you again.

Yet, my life has been given another reason, a reason to feel content. He thought the way your hair splayed out like a halo around your head, giving you the radiant look that he didn't think he would ever see.

He had been taught to hate the creatures and races above, that the only true beauty was that of his race and female drow: of drow women with obsidian midnight skin that burnt as fierce as their tempers. With hair white as milk.

But when, he had met you, and now that he could see the likeness in this true light, he had never seen anything more beautiful.

He set to leaving you for a moment, catching you briefly before he headed out the door, carefully shutting it to keep the cold out, and heading his way to be useful.


Hot breath, heated kisses within batted beats. The thrum of beating hearts yearning for one another. You could feel him there, lying upon you and feasting over you like a starved man, naked the two of you as if had been reborn.

Begging, gasps, whimpers and moans, Vevmis laid upon the banquet as he nipped, sucked and licked at your flesh, bringing you to succumb to the wanted and growing heat growing between your legs.

You tried whispering out his name, it comes to you in a rasp, stuck in between your teeth and wanting to leave but not being able to. His spun-silver hair shone like falling silk, fraying around his head and hanging like a halo. All you could see were the darkened eyes, lustful eyes staring upon you with wanton that it made you truly believe you had lost your mind.

You bucked your hips desperately towards his, trying to get friction the closer his body and fingers moved lower down, and the rumble of a chuckle from his lips brought the chill of a winter's cold down your spine.

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