Golden Prince Naga Boyfriend (Shesmetet) 3

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I may have to break this down into another part as it's so long already.

Warning: some threats and language.

Words: 3k

Divine Worship Part 3

His chambers were poorly lit compared to the countless times you had been there to share his bed, the fading candles blowing softly in the aromatic room of sweet pomegranates and lemon slices that filled your nostrils but did not seem to calm your nerves. You knew of the consequences, the outcome in which your life would be on the line, but you didn't know exactly how to take it all.

The Jade Prince was by his table drinking from his golden cobra chalice the same wine he had 'borrowed' from his sister, observing how he poured and drank from it like it was water. Two, then three, then four.

His body was showing all signs of fatigue and strain: his usual sleek ink-black hair was so unkempt and tangled, the stress of being the representative of his father on top of all the things surrounding you.

You couldn't help but feel that this was all your fault, had you kept this all from happening and not even going to his bedchambers more and more, you wouldn't be having to stress for your life being taken by the Princess Iseka.

You had been on the verge of doubling over and pouring your tears out in front of the prince, your last moment of courage bringing you to speak his name. "Your Grace-"

"I'm sorry," his voice was gravelly and deeper than expected, but his body didn't show any signs of inebriation, "I'm sorry for all of this."

You twisted your fingers to clench at your dress, your hair guarding you of your eyes that were threatening to spill those tears. "No, this is my fault." You confessed forlornly. "The Rising Sun is your betrothed and I will ruin that alliance if it is to be revealed to the court. I'm sorry, Your Grace."

You understood your punishment would be a fate worse than death if his father found out, but your morbid mentality had come to slowly accept this.

Before you, the large naga had twisted so sudden and swift that you didn't think was possible for a creature his size. Like a coiled viper, Shesmetet had moved up the stairs to come to face you fully, his large head and torso still towering over you even when his entire body and tail was lying from the base of the stairs.

His large clawed fingers came to rest and cradled you from the curve of your cheeks to your jaw, his hands almost swallowing your face whole. You breathed in relief to his touch, relishing in how your body instinctively moved in closer.

"I do not want to hear you speak those words again, my love." His golden eyes were pooling with emotion and sadness, his darkened scales looked like encrusted rocks from the far corners of the world. "We will get through this together."

Your heart fluttered at the term of endearment he had used so soon and so suddenly, but it made your stomach quiver with adoration and admiration for the golden prince. "What about the Princess? Or your father?"

"I would rather burn the four corners of the eastern hemisphere and the other courts before she could touch you or harm you in any way." He protectively declared, his bare muscular chest swelled with pride, his eyes flickered with further thought. "As for my father, well... the old man will not see fit to have my beloved taken away from me without it costing my life or my titles thrown across the sands."

You needed to know whether it was true or not, his words that he had told his sister, the Star of The Sea: 'I know, but as long as I get to spend a lifetime with you, that is all that will matter.'

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