Male! Vampire x Human Reader

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A Night To Die For

Had you of known your car was going to decide to break down after a 10-hour gruelling shift, you would've just taken the train home.

But sadly your tired, worn-out brain took the chance and risked it, venturing home from the little restaurant you worked at in the small bustling town. And unfortunately, you made the bad mistake.

You had said goodbye to the dirty towels, the bland coffee and your co-workers, trying to get out of your shift quicker than you could imagine; thinking to how possibly you would spend your evening in relaxation.

Had you of known it wasn't as easy and you would've been stuck in the biggest storm of the month, you would've spent your small little earned cash on a night in a motel.

But with the little luck you had, you were making your way home on a dark wet road when your little old car decided to break down, leaving you cold, alone and downright afraid.

No cars were passing down your road, and if they were, they barely were going to stop and help, leaving you in a further frustrating mess. You were found trying to shelter yourself from the rain in your car as the temperature dropped dramatically.

If I stay in here, I'll freeze to death, even worse if they find a frozen corpse stuck in here. You thought to shiver in your unprotective rain jacket. I will have to walk in hopes of finding somewhere as a makeshift shelter.

It took some struggle to get out of your car and trudge through muddy paths, with the small flashlight on your phone as your way of a guide. You were hopeless: looking and scanning for small bus stops or small cottages, but the light caught a glance of something not too far from you, and from a squinting distance, you had hit the jackpot.

Although for its disturbing look on the outside, the large gothic manor was something of a creepy grime fairy tale, with tall glass windows and a haunted romanticism to the overall look. It looked like something from a horror film, and awaiting would be some gatekeeper or hideous monster.

You took the risk, if it creeped you out, you could always just leave at any chance, but for now, you ventured through the muddy fields to cross towards the property.

The overall area was bigger than your entire town overall, and you couldn't believe never in your life, you had seen it when driving down the same old country roads to get into work each day. If I die, at least Josh can have my shift. He may not like it, but who cares? You merely shrugged but knew deep down of a small dread.

You got through the opening after pushing forward the old decrepit gates with might, a screech coming to life brought you to shudder. Gargoyles perched on each side of the wall, they watched you as you entered, with hollow eyes and a blank face.

Stepping onto the property was a beauty on its own; hidden away and frozen in time and cursed. Everything like the bushes and trees looked tidy, hence an effort there for keeping it from overgrowing. It brought you to conclude at least someone lived here still.

Your eyes caught a glance of a hanging tree that you had to walk under, a beautiful tree with blooming burgundy roses, bright yet visible to the eye, you couldn't let them go unnoticed.

With little knowledge of the reasoning for deep red roses, you simply thought they were just stunning, lowering your head to walk further in.

You walked through an undisturbed garden of utopia: with many fallen or broken statues surrounding. You caught eye of one, remembering the classical civilisation course you took in college to know of Venus and Apollo.

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