Golden Prince Naga Boyfriend (Shesmetet) 2

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Divine Worship Part 2

 "The prince's betrothed is said to be coming today, from the Garnet Court," Kira told you in the early hours, her voice chipper for the dawn still rising, "Princess Iseka is said to have the title of Rising Sun, like her mother."

"I heard she liked to bathe in her handmaiden's blood, to keep her skin youthful; a sorceress if you ask me." Thaile: younger than you and waifish in size added behind you, brushing your hair with little consideration to get the tangles out.

"You be careful with that tongue of yours, the Emperor could have it." Kira hissed, a warning for the younger as she quietened for a moment. "I'm just saying."

"The Prince won't like to hear you speak so lowly of his wife-to-be, nor will they allow us to whisper secrets and gossip of her when she arrives at court for the fortnight. Once their vows are said, there will be no hiding from her." Kira sighed, continuing to bead the headdress for the crown princess; glowing like gilded armour.

If only they knew what the Prince had said to me. A small smile appeared on your face: reminiscing over the Jade Prince's words. His heat cycle had lasted for the week since you had been bedded to him; surprising to you that he had kept you coming to his chambers in the evenings to help him be rid of it.

You didn't know how well you would be able to hide it from Princess Amvalma, for your nightly disappearances weren't asked of or questioned when you had prepared her for sleep.

You weren't even sure if her brother had been the one to brag to her about being able to bring you to his bed, but you were certain it would've taken long before the news would arrive for her to hear. She's smart, her other handmaidens and ladies-in-waiting aren't, the news will come swiftly with the wind.

Kira had been asking day in and out about what you got up to with Prince Shesmetet, and although it left you red in the face in sparing the details, she was still fascinated to hear it from you.

'He seems smitten,' She smiled to you, a frown forming at her next words, 'but how long will it go on for?'

Not for so long, but you had been told not to feel disheartened by his lack of visits from you, promising you that final night that he would see you once more. 'Little one,' Shesmetet had you curled into his chest, tenderly stroking at the side of your face as your eyes grew tired for slumber, 'rest assured, I have enjoyed your time too much to see you away so soon.'

But had he been lying? The Jade Court's living family line and its descendants were known for being sly around other nobles - to prosper and be the most known and richest to all the other empires - but he had been so kind to you, enamoured of you that it hurt to not spend evenings with him; held in his arms so lovingly.

It didn't take long for his passion and physical affections for you to fester and make you feel so very fond of him.

"When will they marry?" You had asked the two, ignoring their talk.

"Before the season of the harvest, his Grace has proclaimed this before Prince Shesmetet's anniversary of his two-hundred-and-eightieth year," Kira said.

There was no denying there was a prang in your chest for the information you heard, and although you were simply one of Princess Amvalma's favoured handmaidens, you yearned for a life where you could simply be more than that; especially in the eyes of the Jade Prince.


The Jade and glittering court had been packed to the brim with staff, lords and ladies alike, both human and Nagas, watching in wonder as they stared to the mighty Emperor, Eirgotzo on his gilded throne of heavy gold, the old emperor was the same colouring as his children, with streaks of grey in his hair for his much longer life; his eyes gold speckled with green, fitting for his title.

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