Royal Guard Boyfriend (Aureus)

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Male Monster x Female Reader

Summary: Out and about when you weren't supposed to be, you get caught by one of your favourite guards.

The Gilded Guard

One then two then three.

The blade swished and moved around you, whipping around your head, but the two of you were one and melding together. Like a leaf, it could sway and float in the air without disrupting those around it, one with a serene atmosphere. You had heard this before, but not intentionally.

Sweat built on your forehead, seeping into your hairline as you continued to keep in time with the beats of every hit: dodging and weaving as your opponent continued with their attacks. You were lucky for the helmet guarding your face for protection and recognition, the head of your King father's military was relentless when it came to training rookies, and not once did he seem to slacken.

"Again," his voice was strained from the possible exhaustion. "Up, on your feet—widen your stance, boy."

"Sir." You obeyed gruffly, your short posture seemed to help keep your balance for the most parts, but you found yourself constantly being thrown off your feet every so often. It was no wonder Aureus was the perfect fit to be your personal guard: protective, loyal and true, looking for the best of everyone around him but himself.

The sword in hand wasn't as long and sweeping compared to his spear, easily able to knock you off and hit in places where you knew it would leave bruises. But for every hit meant it would be easy to shake off the fall. Get up, up before he strikes you whilst you're still down.

His golden eyes seemed to mistakenly hold some pity for you, not as much as all the other times you had trained. To him, some lackey who was shorter and skinnier than all the other boys appeared out of nowhere, a wooden sword in hand and always wearing a helmet. The only thing he could see where your eyes: bright and eager, your small exterior attempted to hold some power when you spoke that one early morning in the training yard.

'I require a shield and sword. Mornings before dawn for your lessons so you teach me to become a warrior.'

"Twist your arm more—turn into the strikes—yes, better. Again." Your personal guard was as tall and lean as any other knight of a high rank: dressed in the shining armour that held no scratch nor scrape to the material, as clean and glistening as golden coins. His name held a fitting meaning.

Marvelling at his looks didn't help you allow to concentrate, subsequently, the earth met your body as you crumpled to the ground with a grunt, squeezing the wind out your lungs. You attempted to get back up again, the soreness to your body didn't help when all you wanted was a hot bath for your muscles, but Aureus dismissed you. "We finish for this morning, lad."

"But I'm far from done," you caught your breath, panting. "Do we not have another 5 minutes, Sir?"

The Rakshasa's charisma grew on the broadness of his smile, his face relaxing with ease. "I must attend to the Princess, she will be up and ready for her sewing by now. I must leave, until tomorrow."

"Oh." You realised too late, your guard down. "Thank you, Sir. Until tomorrow." You hurriedly bowed and took off the opposite way, hoping that Aureus didn't say anything in question. The Rakshasa watched quietly, observing your retreating form as you scurried across the courtyard, opposite to where the barracks of where the recruits stayed. Sighing to himself, he collected the wooden swords and spears back up before making his way to where he needed to go.

Only now did the sun begin to reach the red mountains, kissing the amber sky and reaching towards the town in surrounding golds and oranges. The golden sands surrounding the town grew with life as people grew bustling with their businesses: royal guards swapping in patrol with those of the night-time shift, with the head of the guard greeting those he spotted.

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