Female Healer Elf x Female Hunter

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Undivided Attention

The wind lashed against your face, the rain gashing at your skin, reigns twisting in your fingers in an iron grasp as you attempted chasing away the storm; your hood near to flying off your head as you raced to the closest town.

The mud and dirt were soft and wet underneath your stallion's hooves, with Cedar sprinting wilfully to overcome the winds as you drove closer in: the streets of the town of Briar were barren, save for a person or two running to get shelter away from the heavy rain.

Your eyes darted over every door and snug shop and house until you found the place you needed to get to. Gliding Cedar to a halt, you bought him to rest in the nearby stable to rest up, tying him up haphazardly through in a loop as you reeled back to the front of the shop.

The door swung wide with your brute force: accidentally making you recoil at how you had done so without a second thought, immediately being consumed by the heat of the inside of the cosy shop.

The inside hung with lavender and incense in the air, a hearth that lit up the area as you could hear the rain beat against the roof with force; the wind lamenting with wrath as it pounded with ferocity against the shutters.

"Just a second! I'm just in the back." A pleasant and smooth voice called from the back, where you assumed the owner was.

When the figure emerged from the back room, you couldn't help but take in their appearance. The first thing you observed was the notable and prominent pointed ears coming out from the sides of her head, obvious in the flowing sea of spun white-silver locks that reached before her back; braided neatly.

She looked like any other elf, with her high cheekbones, tall and lithe, she carried herself with elegance and grace that they probably didn't know they had.

Compared to you, you had been a rogue monster hunter for years and the muscle that had you had built in your frame helped you endure longer no matter what elements were thrown at you.

Her flesh was porcelain and smooth with no blemish; her large royal blue eyes taking you in as the door came to swing back behind you; a welcoming smile that made her eyes gleam.

You finally pulled your hood off your head, a hiss coming from lips at the simple action, the elf behind the counter's smile fell from her face, a high look of disturbance evident on her.

Your skin was colourless, with noticeable blueish-green veins protruded and laid all around your skin, with no area of your skin not covered. They sat grotesquely beneath your flesh, making you look like a walking blister. But that wasn't the worst part, but your eyes were taken to look inflamed and bloodshot - the pupils darkened to make it look as if you had been caught extensively crying just before you had walked into this healer's shop.

"Oh my, goodness, what happened?" Her voice was laced with concern for your being, as she didn't waste time quickly coming round the counter to take a hold of you, leading you into the back room where you assumed was where she performed emergency procedures.

"A silverfang caught me right between the ribs." You managed to rasp out, how you don't know you were able to walk nor talk was astonishing, as you had seen the harm those creatures could do to a human or mundane animal. You had fought and dealt with them in the past many times: with desperate farmers paying you good coin to deal with them with a professional background.

But his one had been feistier and resilient into being defeated, and it took quite the entire day to kill it off. You hadn't gotten off lucky, but when you had slashed at its neck to lope the large head off, its stinger had gotten you right in the right side, where its venom remained in you.

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