Male College Lecture Teacher Minotaur x Reader [NSFW]

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Warnings: degradation, daddy kink (age play), size kink, dacryphilia, praise (there has to be some in here lol), breeding, spanking (impact play), hand/finger kink, humiliation, exhibitionism (if you squint) and swearing.

Concentration is Key

You had heard of his reputation from other students, exuding a presence far more of fear than delight.

Despite history being your major and favourite subject at college, many students warned you of the course, always mentioning the one problem that seemed to be on everyone's mind.

It was no wonder half the students left after the semester, not due to the course being rubbish, but from the uneasy and 'questionable' teaching of the lecturer.

Doctor Matthias Benoit. A done right terror of a man and teacher.

You stuck out with what little hope remained within you, hoping that what the students had said of him were just over exaggerations of him. An enigma, you pondered, truly he sounded more like a myth than an actual person.

When the day came for your first lecture with him, it was all you could think of the night before. Would these rumours be all lies? Was he nice? It had been a simmering dread when you sat in that large lecture hall with other students, some more nervous than others, all chatting amongst themselves as you waited for the lecture to begin.

"I heard he's a true brute. If you get even grammar wrong, he will give you zero marks."

"I heard he makes you stand to the side of the hall for the entire two hours if you're even five minutes late."

Okay, these remarks were not helping with your nerves whatsoever.

When the man and myth appeared, he was somehow both what you expected and not at the same time. The minotaur could easily tower over anyone at over 6'7, bulging muscles through his heavily built body, seemingly protruding out from his tight trousers and buttoned shirt.

His fur was mousey brown, shaggy and pulled back in a low bun with strands of grey, large horns, both pierced with dangling earrings, protruding from his head. His mane/beard was long and almost unkempt looking but suited him well.

Holy shit, he was hot.

"Alright, alright, settle down." His voice was a mixture of calm and gruffness, a deep timbre that quickly shut the entire hall up. You couldn't help but be mesmerised by his accent, a deep, Cajun drawl that instantly got you and the other ladies of the hall swooning.

No, stop that. Get those horny thoughts away. The more you observed him, the more you couldn't help but get those naughty feelings from bubbling. You couldn't help but admire him from afar, wondering if he was all the talk.

"Welcome to Classics and Ancient History. If you don't know who I am, my name is Doctor Matthias Benoit." His posture was languid, wide shoulders pulled back, honey-coloured eyes seemingly looking at every single face in the room. There were steely and hard, cold and aloof.

"If you have heard of the rumours that come from this class, be sure to know they're all correct."

Murmurs filled the large room instantly at his words, all merging into one, chorus as they rushed in volume. "Yes, I'm sure you're all so eager to know more, but that is for you to gossip over after class. I will let you all in on sometin. I take these classes seriously, and you all better do too. Every single one of you in this room has the potential and highest grades that I expect from history students." When he looked around the room, you swore he could scout the weakest looking of everyone, including yourself. "Do not. Let me down."

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