Pirate Rakshasa Boyfriend: Aleksandr 3 [NSFW]

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Mature, NSFW warning!

A Golden Opportunity Part 3

The candles through your cabin glowed hotter than a thousand suns, and they had certainly made your skin slick with perspiration, building to make your pool in discomfort in your small bed.

It had been the umpteenth time you had turned in your bed, trying to sleep when the terrors of the previous nights played as torturous reminders throughout the caverns of your subconscious; awakening once you tried to rest.

It had been a week since the occurrence, and a week since you had seen Dante.

Your hair was dishevelled from the way your fingers fumbled through the locks out of paranoia and nerves; combing through them messily that you looked unrecognisable.

You have left from that day a shell of a human; tending to your room or silently working, in fear you would have to experience something like that once more.

Aleksandr was quiet around you, orderly as usual, and you were certain that he didn't know you were still feeling terrified of your own life - something in you hoped he was considerate - but he had been busier around his crew to check on you throughout the day.

He was still trying to keep it tame so no-one was aware of your special relationship with the Captain.

Living the days out on his ship were feeling to dwindle, and for living out on the sea, away from land, was beginning to take a toll on your sanity.

Your eyes had landed on the flickering flame sitting beside your bed on the small table, the candle burning bright, and reminding you of the familiarity of burning coppers in the summer heat.

Maybe, he'll understand. He has otherwise. You could only pray to any God out there that the Captain of The Lion's Maw was more accepting to more things.

You swung your legs over the bed, taking your leave as your feet took you off on the untold journey to where you knew you would get your results from.

Your feet padded against the cool wooden fooling of the ship, not too far from your cabin was his. The hallways were long and dark, no torch or lanterns ignited to let you know that all the crew had gone to bed or were still partying up on the deck.

You snuck through with some unknown peace, hesitant to be caught with your hair out and long dress shirt loose to show off your figure.

You finally reached the end of the hallway, and there, was where you had reached the door, his door. The trembles could be felt through your entire body as your fingers, clenched, rested inches from knocking.

Finally, you did you, three distinct knocks, and a pause.

"Come in." His voice was sharp and bold, and it certainly didn't sound like he was getting ready to settle for the evening. It was typical maybe to see him up at this hour, as Captain, he had a bit more responsibility.

You took hold of the doorknob, shakily rattling it to open, before quickly slipping inside. The contrast from the darkness to brightly lit room was startling and your eyes squinted for adjusting; trying to take in everything.

His room was how you remembered it: elegant, spruce and large, not a speck of dust or dirt anywhere to be seen.

There he was, in the midst of it all, sitting at a seat by the fire, his back towards you, and book in hand, reading to himself.

He made a sudden turn to look back towards the door when he expected someone like a crew member to be standing there, and the tired, visible scowl and frown on his face had changed, his copper eyes melting at the sight of you.

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