Angel Boyfriend

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The pitter-patter of rainfall wasn't the first thing that had woken you up from the faint sounds resonating around you.

You had been acutely aware of the sounds of nature coming back through into your ears: the sound of birds twittering and the nearby stream flowing just outside your home.

They were all sounds you had grown to love since you had moved.

The sheets shuffled when you rolled to lay on your side, looking out beyond the ajar curtains that were wrinkled and shone some light through; the drizzle was still letting the sun to come through, and it was still too early to be awake.

Your fingers dug themselves into the sheets and further into the comforter that was heavy to help you lull into a sleep, patting and smoothing over the large space that was usually taken by occupied space.

It was the second thing you had noticed when your eyes had gotten accustomed to the bright light seeping through; your lover was nowhere to be seen.

The door to your bedroom was slightly half-open, meaning that he must've left either to go to the kitchen or go run some errands, but you were certain there would've been a note left for you, and there was none left in sight.

The tiny mewl came from the bottom of your bed, a white fluffy tail sprang up first before two small pointed ears followed, allowing a beaming grin to flash on your face.

Ceres was your three-year-old Persian that you had adopted from a cat shelter, and before you had met your now-boyfriend, she had been your world. There was always the comfort that was from having a pet that you had always confided in when you weren't dating or in a relationship, and finally, you could experience love and affection from another.

There were distinct footsteps coming back from you assumed was from the kitchen, heard over the raindrops falling from your roof and when Ceres was scratching at her post; audible sounds that you knew exactly who it was.

The door wasn't even fully open before your eyes were landing on the soft features of your boyfriend: his warm copper skin and dark chocolate curls that were messy from sleeping were always something that made your heart flutter. Your boyfriend was always truly beautiful to look upon.

"Hi," you observed from your comfort of the blanket wrapped around your head, head poking out to make you resemble a burrito, always a sight that made Evangelos smile.

"Hey there," His voice was tender and delicate, always there to lull you into tranquillity, his soft olive-green eyes landing on you as he went to sit next to you on your bed, two cups in his hands, "made you some coffee."

"Decaf again?" You murmured with a wink, sitting up properly to take the warmed coffee into your hands, laying close to him to feel his warmth. "You never give me caffeine."

"Only just because you've woken up, my love," Evangelos spoke frankly, taking a sip of his own green tea as he sat taking in the morning. "I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"You didn't," you yawned, drinking down a large gulp of your drink, made exactly how you liked it and always perfectly, leaving you to sign in relief, "I just didn't know where you went."

Evangelos chuckled at that, beckoning Ceres over and once she jumped up onto the bed, he stroked his bare-knuckle along the top of her furry head towards the back of it. "I had to feed this one, or else I don't think either one of us wanted to hear her complain."

You hummed in amusement, stroking Ceres too, watching her stretch to lie between the two of you, purring in appreciation, eyes shut in peace. "Come back to bed, please?"

Evangelos' look he gave you resembled one full of mirth, "Oh, did you miss me?" There was no arrogance to his tone, nor how he spoke to sound cocky: he was always kind and sweet and there was a reason why from his conception and creation.

You gave him the look that always made him give in to you, the classic puppy dog face with a big pout always made his chest swell with love. Gingerly taking your mug to put on the stand beside, he cradled you close to his bare chest, kissing at your forehead tenderly.

"Anything for my love, my stars."

It wasn't long before you were both spooning and cuddling each other, revelling in the feeling of content and peace, the silence had risen to block the sounds of everything going on outside. Ceres was curled around the middle of your intertwined legs, curled in a small ball.

You had your arms wrapped around his neck, stroking his hairline and short curls, kissing his beautiful copper skin in thought.

Evangelos was always quick to notice when you were deep in thought or thinking. "What is it, my stars?"

You always felt giddy at the nicknames and sweet pet names he gave you: my love, my stars, my universe. For someone as empyreal as him, it was always something so lovely to hear.

"Just... I never want these moments to end. To go wake up and go about my day, waiting to come back to my bed to be with you." Your voice was gentle but gravelly from sleep slinking back into your mind, always being in his arms made you feel so safe, so protected.

"You are so good and brave, and I'm proud of you doing what you must do. You are always someone I wish I could be. And I love you for it, and I love you to the heavens and back."

You smiled, your heart swelling, and never had he said he was inspired by you for getting up every day; it was something that kept you from not losing your mind.

Fingers hot like melted honey, they traced over his caramel skin, past and beyond the back of his neck and below, travelling past his broad shoulders and over his freckled back, the skin raised and bruised, the skin broken and damaged, with obvious tufts of where wings once spread.

Evangelos shuddered greatly in reaction, not in one of disgust or wanting to not be touched: the skin there had never healed greatly throughout the millennia and it was the only part of his blemish-free skin and body that was scarred.

"I could never be more proud of you, you are everything that I want to be." You whispered, your eyelids growing heavier as you laid your head down against his shoulder, kissing the flesh there and using him as a pillow.

To Evangelos, you were an angel, and he couldn' t help but always notice the invisible flutters of pink feathers float around you, the gentle reminders that you were always one of His creations and followers.

"Let's sleep Evan, I don't want to wake up so soon." Your voice was quieting as you fell limper before your quiet snores fell through the room. Evangelos watched with a grateful and broad smile, eyes softened at the sight, before tucking away a strand of your hair as he too, went to relax with you in his arms.

"Good morning, see you when my sun has arisen."

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