Golden Prince Naga Boyfriend [NSFW]

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Male monster x female reader {NSFW} LONG SO BE WARNED!

Divine Worship

The relaxing hot water poured over your aching muscles and building nerves; the oils that were scrubbed and rubbed in your skin helped to alleviate the stress and nerves you were feeling in the moment.

The water from the bathhouse you were in helped to block your bare body from those who were helping you get cleaned a prepared: cleaners of the baths to help those in a tradition that had been set for thousands of years by some of the richest nobles of the lands.

The Jade empire and its court were who you were ruled by a kingdom of Nagas of different families who had ruled over different lands that were of the continent, named after different gemstones that were mined. The Jade Empire was known to be one of the most well-known in court but the sharpest amongst the other empires.

The empire and its Jade court were luscious and well-wished to visit by those rich enough to come to trade; the royal house was well-known for their wealth, stature and beauty across the land, and they certainly used their looks to bring all regardless of their race or creed.

The emperor had two children - who he cherished and loved and were the golden heirs he had wanted, his eldest daughter being the future Jade empress, whilst his son, the Prince, accompanied those new to the court, acting as representative for if his father was busy.

It was said that the Prince had a... certain taste for those he liked in his bedchambers, and you could say luckily, thanks to the rising ranks, you were finally picked to be one of the lucky few to visit on this sacred night.

"His Grace is going through his mating season, and I don't think I've had ever seen so many chosen to come to visit - women and men alike." The closest to you who watched over making sure you were readying dressed and scrubbed properly, Kira, spoke around you with the other girls.

She was a plump lady with thick thighs and ample breasts, but her figure was that of short stature compared to you, and you felt the similarity in your figure.

"You are most lucky and blessed to of been chosen to share the Prince's bed for one night. Every maid and man who has looked upon his magnificence has trembled to be touched."

"I am to please His Grace, no matter what he asks for." You reminded yourself, over the words that Kira had told you over and over again, as she held you up and took you out of the bath once you had been cleansed and refined.

The oils and rose fragrance they used, the orange scents that fumigated your nostrils were enough to make your eyes water, as you were given the finest silks you had ever seen.

As just a handmaiden and cupbearer to his older sister, Amvalma, you hadn't expected all this attention placed on you, nor that you would be chosen for all this.

"Let me see you." Kira had let your hair down, spraying your locks with mango and orange mists as she finally looked at what you were wearing. You wore a long orange wrap that didn't do much to hide your nakedness underneath, your nipples had perked and protruded out, whilst you were left barefoot as you stood before them with final checks.

"You're perfect, or that is what I think His Grace shall like about you. You're small, curvy. His Grace shall like your curves to touch and squeeze."

Oh... good. You didn't know whether to be pleased with this, to be more frightful at the thought of being touched in parts you had never been touched before by anyone. His Grace liked pure maidens, no-one experienced to fool around with.

Your heart was thundering against your rib cage as you were escorted out of the room towards where you knew were the apartments of the royals stayed in, their rooms occupied with Naga guards patrolling the halls and outside of each room for protection.

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