Whale Shark Boyfriend: Arlo

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I'm finally back, trying to slowly seep back into writing once again lol.

Of a human who wishes to share the same world as one, she cannot have.


Steady waters, calm and clear. Little destruction of waves that broke over your less-than-robust human body.

"Tell me again how many stars you can see?"

The voice you knew resounded deep and strong within the water, echoing through with ripples, encasing your body with a low shudder. "Too many to count, I'm afraid." You joked, feeling the slip of the water gracefully rise and fall against your skin. "I think we would be here all night."

"Well, I have time." The male voice reverberated with laughter smoothly, and a hand larger than your head or even torso rose and caressed your back soothingly. "Tell me more about these stars?"

"You would get bored easily."

"No, I would never, not from you," the merman smiled, with rows of teeth sharp, but it made his face ever-so softer. "Please, I would like to know."

You told him to your best abilities. Of stars and galaxies until you could not think of anything else to say, all whilst he laid still and solid as stone, unmoving but always listening to the words you had to say. 

"They sound beautiful."

You could only scoff, "Hardly. You get used to them when you see them."

Arlo half-attempted to sit up with you on top of him, his large tail swaying as the two of you laid afloat on the stilled waters. "When you live the majority of your life below the depths, anything above the surface can be utterly breathtaking."

"If anything, your world seems more beautiful." You laid your head on his chest, hearing the loud thrum of his chest. "If I got to spend my days below the waves, I think we would have differing opinions."

Arlo's laughter rumbled through you, as he cradled you close to him. "I think we can both agree that if anything, the worlds we were brought into slowly allowed us to be brought together."

Your smile was longing, treading your fingers against his chest, quietly saying, "Saying this as we connect as one, perhaps this longing is what we needed."

Ephemeral* (adj) lasting for a very short time.


This was crappy as I've taken a long break from writing and focusing on work, forgive me for this and I hope I improve.

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