Minotaur Boyfriend: Damien 2 [NSFW]

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Relationship: Male monster x human female reader

Word Count: 2,087

A Sweet Surprise Part 2

The gentle breeze was a reminder of new beginnings: the lull of spring was around the corner, slipping in the needed life that was sapped from a cruel and harsh winter.

Cervitaurs had returned with their herds, their offspring careered and sprinted across the fresh grasslands, nickering joyously as they went.

The arrival of flowers after a year-long's wait was what you had hoped of gathering once their buds had bloomed, carefully selecting the freshest of the season. The air was sweet with its petals: ones of rose pink and some yellow as a canary.

Gathering them back in your basket, you made your way back the short distance to your home, picking up the sound of oak being chopped, echoing in the distance.

You spotted the dark fur, longer from being grown in the winter, a certain large minotaur heavy once again at work.

"If you keep chopping, you'll run out of wood." You called as you drew closer, following the path up to the door. Damien was all the same when it came to woodchopping; focused and steadfast, never to lose concentration.

It had seemed that he had been able to maintain it for quite some time.

You had noticed small things in his behaviour that had changed since the arrival of spring: the way he slowly avoided you at other times, having his hands not able to get off of you, caressing and fondling in ways that had been the surprise for you.

Damien was cuddly and sweet, but other times was stoic, withdrawn and quieter; dutifully performing his role as your woodchopper than as a partner you had grown so fond of within the half year.

You watched as he moved, all muscle and dark fur, moving as one as he swung the axe over his head with ease, watching the wood split in half with a slice and crackle in the air. You observed before the spring chill caught under your chin, and you hurried back indoors, unaware of the hickory brown eyes casting to look back your way.

Baking came easy to you in the months that led to fresher ingredients. Soups and stews were what kept you warm during the winters, a bowl and thick bread by the fire as you and Damien told stories, sharing mulled wine as the wind and snow howled outside, hushed with your joy.

When you could take orders and the snow had passed, customers came and went with few instructions; a birthday cake here or a cherry pie or two. Your days were filled with trying ingredients, testing and tasting the right combinations for the right filling and flavour.

"My little baker is at it again?" Damien wandered through with heavy thuds back inside, and you could smell the thin layer of sweat he had built from working. It could only mean he was here for two things: yourself and a taste of what you had been making.

"Another cinnamon and apple pie I'm afraid." You spoke over your shoulder, sprinkling flour on your work surface as you rolled the right shape for the crust, ignoring the way the minotaur moved behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"My favourite," he mused, breathing in your scent deeply. "Like you."

You scoffed heartily, "You've been rather occupied to have me be your favourite."

Damien's face was so easy to imagine what it looked like: scrunched in confusion and saddened by your words. "The miller has been asking for a lot of lately for the repairs. It is good pay, is it not?"

It only seems like my pies fill you better to satisfaction than I. You thought, ignoring his words as you continued working, muttering, "I guess we've both been busy then."

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