Pirate Rakshasa Boyfriend: Aleksandr

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A Golden Opportunity

Of all the places in the world to end up in, you didn't want to be found locked up behind bars. More to be specific, you had found yourself imprisoned on a pirate's ship, miles away from land.

It really did make you rethink your life choices to decided to end up on the wrong end of the stick; trapped in darkness with no knowing where you were.

A simple tavern bartender and waitress, you stuck in a small daily job on a small amount of income selling drinks to those looking for a place to spend their evenings. Although it was followed with the constant harassments, groping and lewd suggestions from a job like yours, you found that the coin you gained was what allowed you to survive.

But sometimes, you wanted to find something more to life. You knew you wouldn't want to stay in your small village forever, even settling down and marrying was something you weren't very sure of for how young you were, but nonetheless, when the opportunity came to change your life, you took it.

It was a simple task: with few men of young ages wanting to find something that could benefit the harbour you lived by and would have a high profit to those who could help, you couldn't help but be drawn into participating.

So, after few quick easy decisions with no-one really there to tell you otherwise, you had changed your identity, given yourself masculine clothes and a shorter haircut, and off you went out on the first time out to sea to win the chance of a better life.

That was where you were found yourself and how you ended up in a cell, and leading up to being imprisoned was a mistake you didn't think much of to begin with.

You and the other men were taken hostage by a fellow and bigger ship, taking your possessions and food, whilst silently deciding the fate for majority of you.

The Lion's Maw was a large and majestic vessel, with high tall sails and decks as black as squid ink encrusted with golden decorations. At the front of the ship, a golden statue of a lion's head, roaring on a black field for all to see, so that dread filled those when they saw those sails.

You were stuck, alone and downright afraid, sitting with crumbs of stale bread and mead to keep you going, whilst unsure if the rest of the men you had journeyed with were being executed above on deck or not.

Your luck had come when you were finally seen to, light pouring in from outside as whoever had entered loomed in the doorway, their shadow blocking some of the outside world from what little you could see.

You squinted until the door shut, and you could hear a few footsteps, not just from one person. "This one speaks little when questioned, should we have him executed?"

You had looked up in time to meet your captors, watching you with silent suspicion. You took note of the three males in the room, two of which looked like tieflings; tattooed, large and brutish, they looked like they knew how to handle a fight.

The one they spoke to was who you had heard of before was the captain: a large muscled golden tiger rakshasa who towered over the two, looking to be taller than six-foot.

With his golden-orange fur and beautiful amber eyes that shone bright like coppered coins, he was the first ever rakshasa you had seen before, for few came in from travelling from sea.

The Pirate captain hummed, stern eyes looking you up and down with what you knew looked like little regard. You already knew of your fate due to his appearance, and judging by his cold and detached eyes, you knew it wasn't looking good for you.

"Do you speak, or did the others cut your tongue out?" The rakshasa spoke, voice as deep as dripping honey, he was more articulate in speaking than what you had assumed for a ruthless pirate.

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