Half-Orc Girlfriend: Kajsa

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Happy pride! 🌈 May all of you be happy and safe!💕

Relationship: Female monster x female human

You stared down owlishly, slowly digesting the situation as the seconds rolled past. Everything seemed so fine and perfect with your secret lover, the leader of the nomadic tribe, a comely woman who had stolen your heart many winters ago when you relied on her aid. Now, she was before you, cladded in leather and furs, her tall stature always a need when you needed your soft lover to calm you.

It didn't seem real, not yet, not so soon at least, lying between the realms of reality and falsehood did you so believe that what was happening couldn't be true. The half-orc had presented you with the newest bronze weapon in her larger hands, a bronzed beauty that would've needed two of you to carry, but Kajsa carried it with ease.

"Kajsa," her name floated so graciously from your lips, floating like an endless dream. "What is this?"

There was a timidness evident in her hazel eyes, adoration bold when she saw the inquisitiveness in your eyes. "Marry me."

Instead of drawing back from her, you remained taut to her side, lips parted for your next words. Emotions swelled, and so did your heart. "Are... you're certain?" Your fingers delicately glided up the blade of the greatsword. "What will the others think?"

"My people are aware by now that you are my lover, my mate. If any fool is so bold to challenge me for your hand, so be it." The corners of her lips crinkled in a smile. "I commissioned this sword, not just for a proposal."

You laughed, quietly. A peaceful silence resounded before the two of you, secluded on top of a hill where the two of you would come visit when twilight was present, allowing you two to stargaze. "You would fight in my honour?"

"I would do so much than just fight for you, my little bird." The half-orcs calloused fingers smoothed your own in reassurance, gently. "I would die for you."

"Let that day never come. I pray that your people are so kind to hear of this news."

Kajsa's eyes widened noticeably, smoothing your hair followed by a kiss above your brow, "You say yes?"

You kissed the scar on her lip gently, following your movements to peck at your lips carefully, minding her smaller tusks to not harm you. Ever the peaceful lover and bold warrior. "I will."

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