Male!Werewolf x Human! Reader (Modern AU)

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Warnings: mentions of blood and comfort. LONG CHAPTER AHEAD!

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

You had seen him many times in your small neighbourhood; a man you knew little of. You always saw him in the front of his garage of the front of his home, a heavily tattooed man wearing always some jeans and a white tank-top, always stained with oil with the rest of his muscular body.

You didn't always like to stare, but the man literally stood out always when you caught him working on his bike or a rusty car. You noticed always his olive skin: greasy and sweaty from working under the hood, his dark hair messy as he finger-combed it out of his deep-caramel eyes.

There wasn't much to know about him, and although you knew everyone in your small town, the man who lived not too far down from you was someone you knew nothing of.

People spoke whispers of him and his family: that he was the runt compared to his younger brothers, rebelling in many ways and always finding himself in the back of a cop's car.

Other rumours went to him dealing with drugs, to being part of a mafia gang in the following town; some more absurd to outlandish than the next. The mysterious guy would be in your mind and remain the mysterious hunk with an unknown past and present.

You - on the other hand - were in the minds of some a goody-two-shoes, obeying rules and always tending to stick to them. You finished your education and got good grades, never stuck with the wrong crowds, and always seen as the angel in a world of negativity.

Sometimes that could be tiresome. Sometimes you thought, you would want to break the laws and reform from a life of the good side. Maybe once you could go and break free of the mould you had known all of your life.

Your day was usually the same; wake up, go jogging then head for work for 7 hours. It was the usual. Today seemed like all the others, heading out the door in your gym gear and with the dog leash in hand.

Toby was a large grey-charcoal great Dane, and indeed, a pain in your backside most days when it came to walking him. He was certainly a hassle when it came to walking and controlling him, and when it came to holding him, it seemed like he was the one always walking you and never the other way round.

"Come on boy." You cooed, holding the leech tight in your grip as you began to jog down the narrow side of the road.

You lived just outside of your town, dense forests and few small houses lined up on the side of the road, where few cars came.

Walking down the long stretch of road, you were always anticipating for the lovely sight of the mysterious stranger working already in his open garage; always a sight that made your mouth water like you were picking a sweet treat in a bakery.

Holding Toby on a long lead, you jogged along the road, headphones in as you tried your best in controlling the large dog on your left.

His large house came into view to your left, and when you were waiting in joy for the lovely sight of the man, you were left in disappointment when you saw nothing but an empty and shut garage door, no sight of anything out of ordinary.

Toby yanked on the lead rougher than you had expected, and you nearly tripped in your gym shoes over the road, and you tried tugging the reigns in before you could fall.

It wouldn't be the first time that I'd fallen on the side of the road. You reminisced, cringing at the event; the fall had left your knees bloody and palms of your hands scuffed and scratched up, leaving you shaken up.

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