Male Tiefling Burlesque Dancer (Sol) Part 2

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Forgive the grammar mistakes, my laptop has gone into service.

Warning: Some mild language. Long chapter ahead!

Words: 3k words

Male (nonbinary) monster x Asexual Female Reader (Modern AU)

Bourbon High Part 2

The Siren's Rouse was a dreadful yet familiar place for you, its flashing lights a luring illusion in oddly steadily your beating heart; streetlights dimly lighting the darkened parts of the bustling nightlife.

You told yourself you wouldn't be back: that this place would only bring back embarrassment, but now handing over your ID to the bouncer as he let you through, past the cladded red rope, brought the familiar chills you once felt when you first entered with unfamiliarity.

It could've been foolish by anyone: seeing a lonely girl underdressed simply at a strip club, anyone could see that it was as if you were looking for something- asking for trouble to come your way- but as much as that struck fear in your mind and heart, you could only hope that the person you were looking for was there this night.

The floors were littered with people of all races: humans and monsters, all giving you strange looks; some more obvious than others, hands lingering as if ready to snatch you up to dance with, others keeping their hands as far away from you as possible.

You only kept your head down low, following the small path to what you hoped led you to the remote bar, stationed with only one bartender, eying you carefully up and down.

"A water please."

He nodded as if he shifted into a different mode of control, effortlessly pulling on tap a glass of water and resuming to cleaning the cups, letting you imagine if you had been there all along and he had just handed a free cup to no one.

You took your glass and said your timid thanks, but you doubted he had heard over the blasting of music, thrumming loudly in your ribcage and spilling out the swears that came from the lyrics, dancers already in their places on the poles and some on their stages. Still, no sign of him.

"I think I remember you from last time?" A warm hand was placed around your shoulder, making you flinch as you pulled yourself to look into the familiar warm lavender eyes of someone you briefly recalled.

You stepped back in surprise by the bright appearance of the woman, her silver locks pulled elegantly into a low bun, a few strands framing her slim face, the same red silk ribbon around her neck and dressed in the low-slung pale fur coat, a welcoming smile curving to meet her eyes.

"Madame Opal?" Her name was like caffeine on the tip of your tongue, slipping out when you remembered her most famous name.

"The one and only!" She laughed warmly and smoothly, like smooth whisky being poured into a tall glass. "I didn't forget the special birthday girl." She gave you a wink. "How was your evening with Iris Nova?"

That name, a name you never wanted to forget. It brought your heart to stammer like an outdated record player, the smile from your face dropping, cheeks rouged even in the low light. The Madame seemed to smirk at the change in your demeanour, pulling you easily to sit at in a booth in a secluded area.

"What brings you here? Your friends had other places to be?"

"I wanted to come alone tonight. Thought I would try and be brave for once."

Madame Opal smiled at that, "Brave girl indeed. I don't think I know many who would have the balls to come here alone. Still, shame on your friends for not escorting you. They seemed a bit... inane."

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