Incubus Boyfriend: Adrian

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This will be very NSFW, but it will skip over any sexual scenes.

Reader x Male Boyfriend (Modern AU)

Insatiable Appetite

You wanted to always live a simple life, tending to work for yourself and gain some happiness in your life through working hard; something that you were always striving for since young.

You were a hard worker, something that was praised in your family and was fed to you from birth: if you worked hard into making the most of everything and enjoyed your work, you would have a happy life.

You worked hard in school but never went to college, enjoying to bake and cook in your spare time when you weren't studying for tests of assignments. You were always there the next day to hand out those baked treats to your friends to bring them good luck.

You also saw the best in people, a motivator and listener to those you loved and cared for, going out your way to make sure those were happy.

In some ways, you would observe others and try to make sure to understand those and what makes them so happy.

When you were fresh out of high school and working in a small bakery in your spare time, you were lucky to get a raise and promotion to manager; something you were more than happy in when you found out the news.

You were rounding your goods for the new day: lining every tray with baked goods, adding more pastries to the last batch on display. Finally settled, you opened the store, allowing another fun-filled day to take place.

Your other employee that day Malek, a large six-foot-tall white minotaur popped his head round whilst you were in the back stocking up; halfway through the day and when it got most busy.

"Hey, you don't mind helping at the front? Just cleaning the filter for the coffee machine." He asked in a deep baritone voice. You shook your head jokingly, "It's fine, give me two seconds." You wiped your hands on your apron, hurrying past to get to the front.

You put on your usual face for the customer standing there, "Hello! What can I get you?-" You stared up into the person's eyes, stopping mid-way through your words.

You were met back with soft brown eyes of a man in his late twenties, tousled dark brown locks brushed back neatly and looking soft to the touch. He had dark stubble for a beard and a gentle look to him. He was tall, with a muscular build, and you wondered as to what his body could look like underneath his casual attire.

The man smiled at you, and it was just as lovely as looking at him, brown eyes twinkling at you. You blinked back, coughing to clear your throat, highly embarrassed you were caught staring at a customer for too long.

"Sorry s-sir... how can I help you?"

He seemed relaxed by your utmost embarrassment, playing it off as if he didn't notice. He seemed shy, a toothy grin he gave you as his eyes didn't seem to meet your sometimes when he spoke.

"Uh yeah, could I get a few things? It's quite the list."

His voice was deep and honeyed, something so calming and therapeutic to listen to, you were surprised a handsome man like him hadn't been snatched up by anyone yet. His accent - you couldn't place a certain one for him - was alluring and suited him well.

You smiled back, eager. "I'm all ears."

The attractive stranger smiled in reassurance, his posture seeming to look less tense. "Okay, could I get– hmm, the pain chocolat, two almond croissants, a packet of five of those chocolate beignets and hazelnut praline and cream latte, with extra marshmallows on top?"

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