Male! Vampire (Ezekiel) x Human Reader 3 [NSFW]

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So, this is taking longer than I expected to post because of my dissertation, so ✨yay✨ I don't know how this managed to squeeze out of my workload but I did it somehow. 

Warning: Warning: wall sex, dirty talk, soft boi Ezekiel, one big vampire boi being growly and soft, light marking and pillow talk. Long chapter ahead! 

A Night To Die For Part 3

For a time, everything seemed normal – or along those lines. You couldn't place whether you could see it or not yet, but the feeling was something fuzzy and strange, growing in the place that was oh-so-damp and cold.

For many the first time since you had been brought to this place, the Blackwood Manor and its habitants were filling with life once more.

The first time you had laid with Ezekiel had left you feeling hot as if you had been prodded with a hot iron, the man was all you saw day in and night, yet he pulled those temptations to twist like thick ropes in your mind, beginning to pull you in tighter and tighter.

The following day you had woken sore and almost feverish from the night's endeavours, the heat rising like a fire within you when you saw you were still laying in his bed, the scarlet sheets tangled and you lay bare as a babe, the vampire soundlessly lying next to you.

It took every ounce in your body to not stare at his sleeping form, another misconception you hadn't known was that vampires did sleep if it was necessary, his broad back facing you. His raven hair was splayed behind him as he breathed softly in and out, your eyes drifting to how the sheets wrapped around his slender body, cradling him so.

Your fingers were feathery when you tentatively traced over the divots of his back, careful to not let him stir whilst examining the lashes that had scarred over his flesh and healed poorly.

You would one day have the courage to ask him of those.

The two of you didn't say much after that interaction: having stuck to your own routines and accords before finding one another at the end of the day, the familiar feeling that blossomed inside you when you saw him once more.

You didn't want to believe things would turn uncomfortable whilst in his company, but your worries simmered away when you found the tentative smile and a hand reaching out to take yours, to whisk you away from everything in the ever-growing twilight.

"Tell me about your day."

The interactions continued as normal – or in your best ability– for the next few days, disregarding signs and wanting to believe things were fine. You didn't think coming into contact with him would leave such a mark on you but you endured, keeping your conversations but letting the feelings falter.

You had come to believe that his own had intensified tenfold.

His own charisma had returned dramatically, improving around you wherever you went. A lurking shadow of a man soon faltered and shrunk to show what he may have called all beast, but all you saw was an ordinary man – perhaps, a lonely one.

His personal seemed, at best, to shine through the wall he had built-up for centuries, now finally, he seemed more hesitant around you, careful with his conversations as well with his fingers – leaving those trails of a ghostly touch on your flesh to make you drive insane. Whether Ezekiel knew what he was doing intentionally was always a mystery.

"I have a gift for you," his voice was low and soft when he handed the small velvet box to you. Ezekiel grew more comfortable not needing to wear his large and billowing cape everywhere he went, and he seemed more 'casual' walking around in his waistcoat and dress shirt, opting to not wear his cravat so tightly around his neck and wearing necklaces.

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