Having a Dragon Boyfriend...

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This also includes some NSFW too, but it's not too graphic. Enjoy!


- You had been introduced to the old dragon in the oddest of coincidences when you had been almost caught on Death's door: you had accidentally wandered into his cave when you were trying to seek shelter from the cold, unexpectedly awoken the old dragon from his slumber.

- You had heard many things from your King father about the flying beast that 'terrorised' the lands: stealing sheep for food and burning villages to ruin, living atop of human bones that he claimed for himself in a heap of an ashen kingdom, but this dragon didn't seem to be the same one he had been talking about destroying.

- His colouring was beautiful, far beautiful than the gilded armour of your house and kingdom, the knights who wore their gleaming armour with pride, his armour was gleaming bronze and shimmering like the sun, his breath hot but his emerald gaze was filled with wisdom and age. 

- He had helped you back to health and shared his share of food he had kept, some of it being fish that you learnt was indeed false, he did not steal sheep as you had imagined, and if he did, there were in few numbers.

- He had been wise and kind enough to allow you to stay for a few moons with him, learning more about the dragon who lived within the area for a very long time, and how bold he was to compete against humans.

- "They'll kill you, my father has a bounty for your head." You protested when you found that he was rather aloof in knowing how much your kingdom had hated him, but Zirenth didn't seem so bothered. "Dragons are bold like their flames. Let them come with their swords, I will protect myself and you from them."

- That had been the first time in knowing he seemed to care for you, and you were confused as to why. He had been an old dragon who had lived a life way before you had been born, and when you had asked for answers by him, he simply smiled with his long teeth and eyes shimmering. "It seems I have a thing for pretty things, my prince."

- He had confessed to you the following night when you had admitted you were worried for his being, and he had promised you he would protect you, and that same night when you had gone to sleep, he had curled himself around you, his warmed scales acting as a blanket from the rest of the world.


- Zirenth is huge, not just in his height but in his length, but he knows that he would never want to harm you in any way, so he is wary in taking part in any activity of pleasure that involves intercourse.

- He usually pleasures the both of you in other ways and comes up with creative ways in doing so - his teeth, his claws, his tongue - Zirenth has lived long enough to experiment a lot.

- Although he is large in size and height, he is incredibly gentle and tender with you: he makes sure to check on you every few seconds to see if you're okay and not in harm, he is very concerned that his mere strength will be too much for you and the fear of hurting you accidentally or whilst in the moment of desire will always affect him.

- The warmth of his scales always keep you warm, especially in the middle of winter, whereafter, he wraps himself around you like a cat to keep you protected and heated. 

- Those moments of hearing his heavy breathing can be the most calming thing of all, and listening to his steady breathing and warm voice always without a doubt lulls you into a deep sleep; happy and safe.  

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