Dragonborn Paladin: Tarak

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Request: Hi there I was wondering if you could do a mercenary leader (monster of your choice ) x reader? Ex: reader is at a tavern and suddenly mercenaries barge in with a paper in hand( it's a job from a guild and the prize it's lots of money) celebrating their finished job. reader is trying to do her job as a waitress/waiter and gets annoyed with how loud they are, they get annoyed and mutters smth of annoyance under their breath not going unheard by the leader, he makes it his job to go to the tavern every day to annoy them , they dont say anything bc they don't want to loose their job and doesn't want to get in trouble with dangerous mercenaries the rest is up to u, u can also choose if it's nsfw or sfw but if it's snfw could u add some fluff aftercare?


This took longer to publish for some reason, I blame writer's block.

Service With a Smile

There was no doubt that you had met a great number of different people.

It was part of your job: to keep an amicable smile whilst surrounded by dirty, rambunctious travellers, of all sorts of groups and races, human or not. Service with a smile was one of the few sayings you had grown to loathe within the years of performing as the barmaid, but there were few things you did quite relish.

You got free meals and a permanent residence in one of the many inn rooms, not having to worry about finding either one when the end of your shifts came rolling through, leaving you dragging yourself many times in the early hours of the morning back to your bed. It had many perks and swindles to have an evening job, but at least the pay was good.

Another thing was how you got to speak to so many different people: on travels to vanquish and destroy. You liked to believe you had grown a good job at people watching, deciding what individuals or groups of people were like before even speaking to them, wondering if they were all strangers or held prolonged friendships.

This night was the same as all the others: messy and unruly to say the least. The smell of all kinds of stuffy, heavy alcohols had melded into one, a powerful stench that seared into the back of your nose and unsettled your empty stomach, watching people laugh and cheer, others more than those who were quieter. It was a good reason to rejoice for some, hence the piles of copious coins on one's table, the calling for more drinks their way.

"Table 15 is asking for another round." Your boss and closest friend, a small halfling simply named Pen came through, heaving empty mugs in her callous fingers. "One said they were asking for the pretty one."

You snorted, finished wiping the mugs you had just cleaned, turning back to her. "You sure they weren't asking for someone else?"

Pen's laugh was sturdy and proud, slapping your back a bit too playfully rough, "I know for sure they ain't talking 'bout me!" She jabbed her thumb in the direction of the large group. You could count six of them. "The Dragonborn over there, he said it."

You glanced at them, and indeed, found the one she was referring to. Dragonborn were always the ones you were charmed by the most, and he was certainly holding your interest.

"Fine. I'll get their orders." You wiped your sweaty palms into your apron, striding towards them and trying to hold as much confidence as possible. The smile on your face twitched the corners of your cheeks, the closer you reached them. The six of them were a mixture of different people indeed: the Dragonborn, a dwarf, two humans, a halfling and a burly orc woman. Certainly could've been a group of friends, or maybe not so much from the beginning of their journey.

The dwarf had been the closest to watching you come towards them, elbowing the Dragonborn in the ribs, muttering something with a gruff chuckle, all eyes moving to look over at you.

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