The Seeker (High Elf Boyfriend)

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Relationship: Male Monster x GN Reader

The air was salty and dry from lack of rain: pungent and heavy, it wracked horror through the pale sky of darkening clouds, blackening like a plague the further it spread. The ground was soft and marshy, collecting marshland water into the soles of your ripped boots, squelchy between your toes the further you walked.

In the sea of mud and nothing but endless barren lands, there was something that no one dared believe: of what spread as gossip between mothers in the town you were raised in. Of a man whose secrets were hidden beneath billowing sleeves and in his ancient bookshelves, who spoke dead languages when no one else remembered. A sorcerer, some said, a God amongst men, others whispered in dread.

No matter what, the disbelief of those of your town had for you when you spoke of wanting to find the man in the hidden tower was enough to either make or break you. You chose the former. If these talks you had been raised to believe were false your entire life had been all for nothing, you could imagine how you would become the laughing stock for weeks on end in your trip of failure back. However long it had been into your travels on foot, the feeling of finding it was dwindling.

Yet, in the distance, among a mirage of nothing more than just fields and hills of mush and dark-green: cows grazing the dry patches they could find, lazily ignoring the darkness of the sky as clouds clustered, a heavy toil of roaring thunder could be heard above you. A storm is rolling in, and swift its arrival will be.

Your pace quickened, staggering over puddles and large fields of mud until it caked your legs past your boots and stained your trousers, dry it would crunch and feel terrible against your skin, but perhaps you could rinse yourself in the rain when it would arrive.

The rain soon joined, thick droplets that splattered in chorus with the deafening victory of thunder above, booming, its drumming moved through you until you could feel the upbeat of your heart, fluttering with every waiting pause.

There was constant drumming that struck within your heart – a flash of lightning that reared you back and set some cattle scattering – within the distance of the heavy rain and unclear view over the horizon, came to you something you thought was a vision.

The outline of the long structure was jagged and unsmooth, seeming similar to the irregular shape of the lead of a pencil, its winding structure of the building was pointing straight up into the eclipsed sky with little protection with half the roof torn off. The rest destroyed by nature, with thick vines intertwined with malicious intention, shaping and bending around the tower.

When you reached its entrance, there was little in guarding the door for anyone to just waltz inside, and inside you did, knocking hastily once on the thick door before shoving your way through. The outside – bare and ruined – was nothing to the inside: a delusion that lied between fantasy and reality.

Its once twisting and ghastly walls were now polished and white marble, decorated from the base to top with shelves of thousands of books, a warped labyrinth of books made into an impressive library. Even its ceiling was oddly restored, miraculously hiding the storm with silver glass painting a different picture to what was outside.

For now, it would do to hold you against the storm raging, but you had other things you were needing to do. "Am I alone here?" You asked amid the deep, towering shelves, your voice echoing through the as high to the glittering sky.

"You called for me?" The sleek yet rasping voice answered and in the blink of an eye, the man no mortal had faced was standing before you, a man who materialised from nothing into the open space, as regal as anything you had seen. Even when standing before you, inches away in his average height, the man still loomed a presence with a shadow as mighty as his tower. He was an elf from the straight pointing ears sticking out, rare outside the land you grew up in. His hair was pin straight against his back, long and as copper as a summer sunset, with silver beads and garnets that tied in the back with silver chains. His skin was sallow and almost ailing from lack of colour, making his golden eyes stand out against his skin and hair, overall intimidating in appearance. Dressed in simples colours of deep greens with ornate designs, his robes made him move seamlessly.

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