Harpy Boyfriend: Nickolai

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Reader (Genderless) x Male Monster


Boundless Flight

Live on a farm they said, it'll be fun, they said.

If the sun hadn't of been high in the sky, you would've stayed in bed, tending to your needs and relaxing for the day, but living on a farm didn't have all the perks.

You lived with a part of the land that was yours to view from your window each day, but you mainly attended to your goats and a stable for your horse. You mainly kept chickens, in hopes of trading for money and more grain.

You had been also aware of the recent kidnappings of your animals, especially the small birds. Most mornings you had come to check on them, seeing a large gaping hole made in the side, a few eggs missing as well for some hens.

You wanted to blame the foxes or even werewolves.

Frustrated by having to rebuild the coop day in and day out, you had decided to get a little something to help with the problem.

Your neighbour Ambrose had spent his years setting up snares and hunting in the lands for decades, so getting tips from him was a huge deal.

He too had dealt with a problem such as the one you were dealing with, but unlike him, instead of selling your chickens, you were determined to keep your profit.

The snares were easier said than done to form, but finally, with some aid, you had managed to set up a few surrounding the coop.

Finally, you would be able to catch the culprit red-handed.

That evening, you tended to your animals for their meals before heading in to eat yourself: a simple meal of beef stew and potatoes, garlic mushrooms with honeyed wine to wash it down.

You went to bed as expected rather early, dead to the world when you could only hope you would dream of something other than reality. It was unfortunate for you to be awoken rudely by something outside; the cause to make the chickens screech in havoc.

Throwing yourself out of bed, you grabbed a kitchen knife from your drawer, grabbing your boots as you hurried out in the cold fresh night, shivers immediately settling in your skin with how thin your clothes were.

You rounded the back of your home, sticking to the walls as you grew closer to where the noise was coming from. Whatever it was doing, it was destressing your chickens deeply, and you were growing aggravated at it all.

Was this stupid beast smart enough to get through my traps too?

You finally could hear the thumping of your own heart as you got to the back, crouched and hidden, you slowly turned to see what was exactly there.

From the shadows, you saw the large ruffled creature hunched over the coop, unbothered by the untouched snares around it, as it feasted there and then on some of your hens, whilst looking to grab more eggs to steal.

Your eyebrows furrowed in anger, gripping the handle of your knife until your knuckles turned white, you were seething with pure white rage.

Your only hopes were to scare off the beast with all the willpower left, and in your sleep-state mind, that had sounded like a great plan. You stood to your height, huffing to make yourself look bigger, chest puffed, as you finally rounded the corner.

Boy, was that a big mistake.

The first thing that you took in was feathers, a large creature covered head to toe in them, so large and robust the beast, it stood at least two feet taller than you. You stopped your running as you came to a halt, all adrenaline that was pumping in your veins dying down as you came face to face with whatever the monster was.

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