Octopus Merman (Tullius) x Reader 2 [NSFW]

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Warning: rough sex, marking, dirty talk, some swearing and tentacles (of course) 

Bad Influence Part 2 {NSFW}

His tank was tepid, the wading water you had gotten used to when there had been many times you had swam through it with little to no thought. Your soft moans could be heard through the small area where you had been certain you would be caught by co-workers, the Octomer you monitored was holding you up by the back of your thighs with your legs wrapped around his slender waist, his damp lips pressing heated kisses all along your lips and flesh, his wet tongue licking at the area of your neck.

You squirmed in your spot at his touches, arching your neck back. "Tullius, wait-"

"What? I'm not doing anything." You could feel the smile he adorned on his face, the way his fingers trailed almost gracefully over your flesh. "Humans are always so shy about their bodies, never wanting to explore anything... otherworldly."

You weren't surprised by his words at all when he had been so fearless and coy with you from the beginning: the Octomer had been like any other man who had been wanting to obtain something he liked, and you had been one of the workers who he enjoyed seeing daily.

"You can say we're a very reserved species." You tried to steady your breathing, trying not to focus on the way his fingers danced so sinfully down towards your wet suit. "Reserved, you may say," he purred, giving you a tender kiss to your cheek, "I call it flustered with lewd desires."

You would've rolled your eyes at his words, his gentle hand had come to squeeze around your breast, pinching with emphasis with his next words, "Though I have never seen a human so flustered around me."

"I'm not surprised," you bit your lip, trying to control your whimpering, "you are certainly not shy on showing your affections."

He grinned at that, the soft rumble that tumbled out and reverberated through his chest and through you, his power tentacles moved the two of you with ease through the water, majestically. "When I like someone, I'm never too timid to hide it, especially if I want them to become my potential mate."

You had blushed at his words. Octomer were known to mate for life, but Tullius was known to have little to no interest in his own female specimen; like he was not attracted to them. There had certainly been a few tests down on him to check if he was fertile and he perfectly was. It was odd, to say the least, but now, it made complete sense.

"You... you want me to be your mate?" You bit the inside of your cheek, ignoring how the squeezing of your breasts never stopped. Tullius gave a toothy grin, his blue eyes full of pure adoration. "I thought you would never notice."

You had blushed at the simple confession, finally knowing that the feeling in your heart was that of a simple crush flourishing towards the Octomer, his intentions clear. He was wanting to mate with you. You finally plucked the courage to pull back a wet strand of his sable hair behind his ear, staring into his eyes. "If I become your mate, when do we...fornicate?"

Tullius gave a simple laugh at the word, his eyes glimmering with his lilac skin. "I guess we can always do it here. I think it would be easiest."

You scrambled when he had swivelled you round to stick to the nearest wall, trying too easily to unzip the back of your wet suit off, your bare shoulders coming into view with you too astonished to realise what was going on. "Tullius, what if we're caught?"

"Let them watch." His voice grew deep as he continued his attack on your neck, pressing kisses that grew in a deep wine colour along your collarbone. "I need those pesky males to know you're mine."

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