Male Drider Boyfriend: Nyraen

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Web To Your Heart

For most of your life, you believed that fate had already been written for you to take: a journey to venture where you needed to get to, with no knowing what route it would lead you down.

You believed that that was the same for people: that certain people in your life had been written into your life for you to meet along the way. Some you would come to befriend, some to fall in love with, but there were few who would be there and leave before you even had the chance to say goodbye.

For you, in your little life you lived, you chose to live it simply: opting to farm and living outside of nearby towns, tending to live alone than occupy your life with others. You had always been like that; tending to yourself and your crops.

You couldn't admit there were highs and lows, but you enjoyed the times to find yourself and escape from the rest of the world, with no-one knowing you existed.

That was what you had lived by for years until you had found yourself with the feeling of being watched. As if someone was going out of their way to watch over you. It was at first unnoticeable, and you shook it off as just being sceptical, but over the days passing, you found yourself feeling more certain that there was someone or something there.

You felt it most when you were travelling back from your harvests, bringing back your goods on a small cart you dragged on wheels. Although it would be late at night, you had a small trusty lantern as your guide home.

It was scary times, travelling along dusty bleak roads, with trees twisted and as tall as mountains, curving in so you felt trapped. It was however, the only route you knew home, and you couldn't trust any other way that could get your lost.

You had heard stories from your grandmother telling you of old tales, of mountain hill gnolls and cannibals hiding in the darkness, all some you had come to believe when you were young but now, were all just stories to make sure you wouldn't misbehave.

You had never ran into anything as mythical or supernatural on your many journeys home, and never once did you think you would. You had places to go and things to do, and you thought they would too.

You however, didn't expect to meet one that certain night.

It seemed normal at first, walking along and pulling your cart behind you with both yours arms down the dark road, shadows and the abyss surrounding you, and the source of the ground acting as the light to help you see.

You thought not much of it, again, the odd occurrence came again when you passed under some thick foliage and trees, not being able to see up into the branches, you could feel something with its eyes burning into the back of your head.

Slightly aware now, you picked up the pace, seemingly being a bit more careless with where you were walking until you accidentally tripped, sending yourself forward and the cart in your arms to fall out, all items falling to the ground in a clatter.

"Oh gods." You hissed to yourself quietly, not bothering to check yourself over, rummaging on the ground, you scrambled to pick everything that had dropped, wildly and messily, you tried doing so you could get back home quicker.

A large snap came from behind you, and in your rush of all of your senses heightened, you froze, grabbing your small lantern hastily and looking around to see what lurked.

Nothing you could see, all shrubs and tall high trees and skinny branches, you couldn't help but feel more nervous. I'm overthinking this. You thought to yourself. There's nothing here with me.

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