Tiefling Boyfriend: Morthos

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A Cheeky Thief

You had felt his eyes on you for the majority of the night from the moment you had settled into the small warm tavern for the evening with your companions; eyes that had weaved their way through crowds and spotted you quickly.

Even from the warmth and bustling tavern with boisterous drunken men and less-than-innocent maidens, you still found yourself with the knowledge that someone had been watching you. Eyes you thought that could be unnerving, or even threatening, you found the culprit to those looks your way.

When you had found yourself looking over to the band in the corner of the room, you found yourself looking to the only one who wasn't as human as the rest. His skin was as red as an autumn leaf that fell on cold days like these, his hair a deeper fire red that fell long past his shoulders.

He had long large horns, like a rams, that curved past away and behind his head. From what you could see, he looked lean and tall, clean-shaven with high cheekbones, with a 4-foot long tail that matched the same colour of his skin; a contrast against his dark attire for the evening.

In his hands, he played at a lute, strumming and plucking; with beautiful floral decorations that you could assume he had painted on. He was by far the most beautiful one out of all the men here, and when you drank in his appearance, you felt yourself blushing.

Sadly, it wasn't from the drinks either.

You watched from a far distance, watching the bouncy and upbeat song come to its end; the dancers surrounding the floor dancing in ways you would never expect could be possible. You hadn't even been participating but you felt sweaty; eyes trained on the way they moved with such lust and wanton.

This was the place most came to when few were in a wild mood, and you came to realise that you being here, was not giving you an innocent look either.

The song finally came to an end, the crowds clapping with a roar of joy as you clapped along too, less as loud. From the small band, you watched as the musicians smiled with gratitude, a certain man you had eyes for turned his head through the crowd, as if by magic, landed to you.

It made you curious as to how he knew you would be there or watching, and when you made eye contact with him, your heart almost felt like it stopped. He didn't seem to look away himself: eyes a bright and vibrant green, more vivid than the trees in a forest, twinkled with the unknown mischief.

He smiled your way, his teeth white and sharp, a flirtatious wink your way as you finally broke eye contact, and you were sure your blush would've matched his skin tone.

Another unknown song begun to play when you had stood up, excusing yourself from your group to get some fresh air outside, you bumped into those getting to the floor to dance, few people blocking the way to the exit.

You finally stepped out, the cool autumn air hit you and you came to realise that you had forgotten anything to block the cold. You wandered around the back to block the wind, walking past a couple passionate kissing in the back alley, but not paying attention to those passing as you got to the clearing behind.

You stood there for a moment, shivering to yourself as you tried to get the alcohol out of your system. The cold helped a lot even if it disagreed with your body.

You stood watch for another few minutes, before you thought your group would be questioning where you had ran off to, sighing to yourself as you thought having to walk into a stuffy place like that again.

"You're missing all the fun inside, I'm sure there's little out here?"

You had spun around on your heel at the sudden voice behind you, and there.. there he was! The same tiefling was somehow... magically in front of you without having caused any noise to get to you.

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