Male Drow (Dark Elf Vevmis) x Human! Female Reader Part 2 [Slight NSFW]

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Warnings: mild language and some sexual moments.

The Underestimated Part 2

Of all the things in life that had to be thrown my way, why and how did my life come to babysitting?

You had found yourself questioning more and more with the days and nights passing, with that of a dark elf you had to look after. You had spent what little coin you had to keep yourself in a place with shelter, shielding the two of you from those of humans around.

When it came to providing food, it was you who would go down and find little to scourge, then come back with the scraps of bread and little waste of warm mead. Your room was small, but only provided one small bed; the bed Vevmis slept on.

You, being the kind one, decided to hunker down and sleep by the window, the window was suited with enough room to sit and lay across, and you found yourself when not sleeping, staring out of that stain glass window.

And Vevmis... the dark elf was as stubborn as a mule most days. He had a distaste for medicine and potions and pills, and it took more than all of your energy to get him to force him to drink the bottles you had on you. His health did progress, and with most of the days there, all he could do was heal through sleep.

All you did, you did for him, and in an odd occurrence, spending so much time on him made you feel less selfish, learning more of looking after another than for yourself. I have almost forgotten what that feels like. You thought one night, staring up at the canopy with little thought than to sleep.

Although you had learnt of the lessons of selflessness, you still had to contend with Vevmis; a character who you wouldn't think much to stay with. You two practically lived with each other- sleeping, eating, changing- and soon, you cared little to none about being watched.

It had been a full week since you had brought Vevmis here, and the thought of being cooped up in here was bringing you to losing your sanity. You barely slept, gave most of you food to the elf, and found most of your strength begin to falter. By now, all you could think about was trying to get back home to your village.

You laid by the window that evening, listening to the sounds of drunken calls of men and ladies, music filling the air so sweet yet in your situation you had grown to hate it. Every night you heard the same music being played, and you were sure it wasn't just you who was growing irritated by it.

Vevmis slept dead to the world, sometimes in a deeper sleep than other nights, and all you could do was glare with envy; wishing that you could for once get some rest and not have to worry.

You had to admit, even in the light of the moon, he was handsome, but his race was all known for that. His skin practically glowed, radiating and glistening in contrast between the candlelight and reflection of outside; making him appear like a mere God.

He rested so peacefully, you noted, watching the way he breathed and exhaled for softly as if he was more of a newborn babe than a barbaric dark elf. Sometimes I wonder what he would look like he was genuine, perhaps if he smiled with less smugness? You thought.

Your eyes trailed his shirtless body aimlessly, landing on his face as you took in his silver locks. Beautiful and silky like spun silver itself, you wondered how they managed to get it looking so soft. If only you could just run your fingers through it-

"Caught staring again, pet?" You blinked twice, a lack of words coming to mind when you looked back towards his eyes, now wide open and looking back at you with that same cocky attitude visible in his amethyst eyes.

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