Cruel Fae Prince Boyfriend [NSFW]

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This is for Faebruary, enjoy! Long chapter ahead.

Relationship: Male reader x male monster [NSFW]

Warnings: Swearing, gore, handjobs, dom and sub, master and servant relationships, anal sex

His Cruel Intentions

The wind was cruel: though it had played and twisted itself to be used against you. You shouldn't have been out so late, not like this- not when the threat of your life had been on the hands. The lands were icy and perilous, your movements would remain sluggish the further you ventured within the blizzard, the unknown feeling of threats that could be surrounding you that you wouldn't know what were.

A simple mishap, you would call it, your car broke down on the side of a clifftop, and instead of being a normal person and wait out in the confounds of your vehicle, you decided to venture out in hopes of finding shelter, or a payphone.

A slip or two later and your frail body tumbling down the small hill had you giving up until morning to try and reach your car, not really knowing how the atmosphere could change from a simple way down from here. Must've hit the back of your head too hard – you told yourself – uptight and outweighing whether to venture further through the thickening foliage.

Bitterly, with the frost tainting your skin as thick as paint, you shielded yourself as best as you could beneath an old cedar tree, its bark looked to of been crisped from possible lightning strikes, but it would keep as a useful shield from the biting winds.

Gods knew why there was a snow storm taking place in May: how the weather seemed the complete opposite just down this slope compared to up top, as if the woodland creatures lived in a topsy-turvy world you didn't think was possible.

There were sounds of gritters and creatures' howls and laments, far bigger than the usual bears and wolves you would've heard from camping. No, it was far more savage and hungry than those animals. The sun couldn't come up any faster - you prayed you would see it once more before either the elements or beasts had you.

From lied beneath the treeline, a willowy figure emerged, hunched and almost dwarfish to what you could imagine was human. But in your desperate attempt to survive, you called out to them. "Hey! Got caught in the same predicament, huh?"

No answer came, none that made you believe they heard you, so you tried again, watching how the silhouette of the figure crawled closer to you, slowly. "Perhaps, we should attempt to find shelter together." Your nerves could be heard dancing across the shivering wind, as the creature snivelled and gave a low whine that drew itself into the nightfall.

It reared and so did you: clambering on all fours with his hind legs longer than any humans, spindly and thin as tree branches, the howl was haunting as it charged towards you. You were up and running back the way you came from, praying that it would get bored of you easily, but to no avail, were you quick enough to outrun it.

There was a sudden heavy force that stopped you from running, charging into you with such power. it knocked the wind from your lungs. Wheezing as you crashed into the dirt, the strength of the beast on you screeched loudly in your ears until you heard ringing, your heartbeat ringing within your being. Your scream wasn't as loud as its: but it grew in pitch and agony when you caught the silver glint in the twilight attached to its pliant nails, slashing at the back of your calf messily.

You writhed with your screams for help continuing to be cried out into the night, but no soul was there to aid you. The stench of blood and death were mighty in the air, twisting at your throat until you were gagging from its potent odour. The creature continued to try and take more gashes at you, it ungodly cries roaring as it cut you into ribbons.

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